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Radiative impacts of organic and elemental carbon aerosols over two urban locations in India
Radical Islam and International Terrorism: Indian Democracy as a Moderating Factor
Radiocarbon Dating of Historical Bricks: Exploring the Unprotected Archaeological Mounds in the Environs of Excavated Site of Nalanda
Rail Transport is Neglected in India: Satish Chandran
Rainfall changes over tropical montane cloud forests of southern Western Ghats, India
Raise Funds for Primary Education: Task Force Report 'Govt should Lift Ban on Teachers' Recruitment'
Raja Ramanna (1925-2004): A Life of Achievements, A Unique Pilgrimage
Raja Ramanna and his Mysore connection: an old school friend recalls her association with scientist and fellow music lover.
Raja Ramanna – Down the memory lane
Raja Ramanna Heads Education Task Force
Ramanna and the nuclear programme
Ramanna cremated in Mumbai
Ramanna, tallest among the tall
Ramanna, the mentor of India's nuclear programme
Ramanna wanted Kalam to develop missile programme
Ramanna will Head Education Task Force
Ramblings and Rigmaroles of an Anthropophagi: Journey Chronotropes from the Margins (Patna) to the Metropole (New Delhi)
R and D on rare earths and value addition - the Indian case (NIAS Brief)
Random Heterogeneous Neurochaos Learning Architecture for Data Classification
Ranging Behavior and Resource Use by Lion-Tailed Macaques (Macaca silenus) in Selectively Logged Forests
Rapid chaotic synchronization by intermittent driving signals
Rare Earth Elements in China: Growth, Strategy and Implications (NIAS Working Paper No. WP2-2011)
RCTs and other clinical trial designs in Ayurveda: A review of challenges and opportunities
Reactions and Mechanisms in Thermal Analysis of Advanced Materials
Reading the agricultural landscape in a river basin: Integrating agro-ecological and social perspectives.
Reading the Elephant: Towards Affectual Conceptualisations of the Wild Asian Elephant
Reading the Entanglements of Nature-culture Conservation and Development in Contemporary India
Ready to soar: Light Combat Aircraft Tejas is all set for IAF induction
Real estate politics in India
Realities All
Reality and consciousness: Is quantum biology the future of life sciences?
Reason, emotion and wellbeing: An understanding of consciousness
Reasoning Indian Politics: Philosopher Politicians Seeking Philosophy
Recent Studies on Volcanic Materials and Chemistry of the Earth’s Interior – An Indian Perspective
Recent Trends in Science & Technology Policy(NIAS Lecture L1 -2000)
Reconceptualising life skills education: A critical analysis of ideas around childhood, 'risks', and 'success'
Redefining University Education in India: Pedagogy and Student Voices
Rediscovering Rahi: Language-Identity Mix in Rahi Masoom Raza's Fiction
Reduced Order Heat Exchanger Models for Low-to-Medium Temperature Range Solar Thermal Applications
Reducing wastage of food is key to saving environment
Reengineering India: Work, capital, and class in an offshore economy
Reflections on the Rajiv Gandhi action plan for nuclear weapons-free and nonviolent world order.(Seventh Raja Ramanna Memorial Lecture). (NIAS Lecture No.L6-2013)
Reflective consciousness and the emergence of memes: Serial evolutionary pathways?
Refocusing on Regions in South Asia: A Review Article on Orissa
Reform strategy may require a review
Regional Cooperation to Preserve the Himalayan System
Regional variation in rural transition in India
Regional variation in the composition and structure of mixed-species bird flocks in the Western Ghats and Sri Lanka
Regulation Boundaries for Preservation of Cultural Heritage Sites (NIAS/HUM/HSS/U/PB/09/2021)
Regulatory framework for India's energy security and sustainability
Rehabilitation in the Area of Mental Health
Relevance of Non-Alignment in the New Order
Relevance of Quantum Mechanics in Bacterial Communication
Reliability of Macaques as Seed Dispersers
Religion in the modern world (NIAS Lecture No. L2-2001)
Re-Look at Gandhian Thinking
Remark on factorials that are products of factorials
Remembering Einstein: Lectures on Physics and Astrophysics
Remembering IRS-1C Mission: The “Game Changer” of Indian Earth Observation Program
Remembering M N Srinivas
Remembering Ramanna
Remembering Roddam Narasimha
Remote Sensing-Based Estimation of Primary Production in the Arabian Sea
Remote Sensing for Mango and Rubber Mapping and Characterization for Carbon Stock Estimation—Case Study of Malihabad Tehsil (UP) and West Tripura District, India
Remote Sensing for National Development: The Legacy of Dr. Vikram Sarabhai
Remote sensing investigation of the Buddhist archaeological landscape around Sannati, India
Remote sensing of flowers
Replicating the Mountain: The Case of Temple Shikharas
Report of the Expert Group on Washing of Thermal Coal is vital for India
Report of the NIAS-KAS Conference on Armed Conflict, Peace Audit and Early Warning: Decennial Review 2016
Report on a workshop on the draft Indian nuclear doctrine (NIAS Report No. R1-2001)
Report on Design and Functional Evaluation of GIS Portals (USGS-National Map, Google Earth, Bhuvan, (India), NSDI, MapmyIndia, Prototype K-GIS, SurveyKhan and NICMAPS)(NIAS Report No. R31-2015)
Report on the International Workshop on South Asian Women in International Security: Building competitive networks, July 30-31, 1998 and the Regional Workshop on Women in International Security: Exploring South Asian Initiatives, July 29-30, 1999. (NIAS Report No. R2-2002)
Report on the Workshop on Information Technology Bill 1999 (SP6-99)
Report: Workshop on Urban Commons- Urban Research and Policy Programme
Research and Development
Research and Higher Education Scenario in Select Indian State Universities: An Analysis
Research Programmes for Engaged Social Sciences
Research Report on Technology Assessment of Select Small and Modular Reactors (SMRs) to Achieve Net Zero with Energy Security in India (NIAS/NSE/EECP/R/RR/14/2024)
Reservation and women's political freedom: Candidates' experience from three Gram Panchayats in Kerala, India
Reservation: Qualityand Equality (L2-98)
Reservations, Exclusion, and Conflict: Some Insights from Mandal and Mysore
Resilience and competence in childhood
Resolving inter-state water sharing disputes.
Resource cities across phases of globalization: Evidence from Bangalore
Responses of birds and mammals to long-established wind farms in India
Response Surface Methodology-based Prediction Model for Working Fluid Temperature during Stand-Alone Operation of Vertical Cylindrical Thermal Energy Storage Tank
Restructuring Indian Defence Industry: Enhancing the Role of the Private Sector
Rethinking climate change: Perception, adaptation and vulnerability among rice and wheat farmers in northern India
Rethinking Development
Rethinking UNESCO World Heritage Conservation-Management: Negotiations with Everyday Heritage Governance at Hampi, India
Return of Geopolitics: Navigating through a New Normal in the Arctic
Return of the ‘Global Indian’: Software professionals and the worlding of Bangalore
Return to the Durand Line
Reviewing the Performance of the Government of Karnataka
Review of the Sanskrit Poem "Chitra Naishadham" written by Shankar Rajaram
Review Without a View - Will the Kargil Report Help Prevent Another Kargil? No
Revisiting the Metal working in Southeast Rajasthan: A Historical study
Revisiting the Naga conflict: What can India do to resolve this conflict?
Re-visiting the One-Time Pad
Revisiting the 'unreasonable effectiveness' of mathematics
Reviving the CTBT Debate - Should India Sign?
Rewriting the Code: Software Professionals and the Reconstitution of Indian Middle Class Identity
Rhesus macaques prefer large fruits: Study
Righting the wrongs
Rights to Land in Jharkhand: Laws, Policies and Practices. Final Report for UNDP-CBPPI-PRADAN Study on Pro-Poor Policies and Laws in Jharkhand
Ring Road by 2002, Town Hall Flyover will be late by 11 months
Rise of China: Indian perspectives
Rising Radicalisation in India’s Neighbourhood: Bangladesh and Myanmar (NIAS Wednesday Discussion Report)
Risk perception and the sense of security: A humanistic approach
Riverfront Gardens and City Walls of Mughal Agra: A Study of Their Locations, Extent and Subsequent Transformations Using Remote Sensing and GIS
River water sharing: Transboundary conflict and cooperation in India
R L Kapur
Road to Convergence
Road to the Periphery: An Account of Border-Making through Infrastructure
Rocketing from the Galaxy Bazaar
Roddam Narasimha: A rich legacy of science and mentorship
Role of Agrometeorological Advisory Services in Enhancing Food Security and Reducing Vulnerability to Climate Change
Role of Coal in India’s Energy Transition (NIAS/NSE/EECP/U/RR/30/2022)
Role of Electric Mobility in a Sustainable, and Energy-Secure Future for India
Role of executive functions in improving reading accuracy in Indian children with reading disorder: Comparing two types of intervention
Role of Executive Functions in Improving Reading Accuracy in Indian Children with Reading Disorder: Comparing Two Types of Intervention
Role of experiments and technologies in the foundations of sciences
Role of Geography in sustenance of Pre-historic Settlements in Karnataka, India
Role of GIS in National Security is Ubiquitous
Role of risk communication in risk studies
Role of Women in Indian Political System
Role of Women in Sustainable Soil Management: Some Legal Reflections
Rousing of Reason
RSCDNet: A Robust Deep Learning Architecture for Change Detection From Bi-Temporal High Resolution Remote Sensing Images
Rural Real Estate: Empty Urbanisation and the Agrarian Land Transition
Rural-urban transition and food security in India
Rural-Urban Transition and Food Security in India (MiFood Paper No. 12)
Russian trenches major challenge for Ukraine's counter-offensive