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The 34th NIAS Senior Executive Course Brochure, 6-11 January 2020
The Abodes of Lord Bahubali
The aesthetics of ‘the ground up’ city: : Some insights from Bangalore
The age of post-truth politics
The animal tracking’s agency: Why are camera traps and GPS collars new research agents in the interaction between humans and other animals ?
The art and science of cosmic dance of shiva - the nataraja (Lecture)
The Bangalore Communique on Science in Society: A New Social Contract
The Bangalore Declaration: Information Technology for Developing Countries in the Global Village
The Banj oak Quercus leucotrichophora as a potential mitigating factor for human-langur interactions in the Garhwal Himalayas, India: People’s perceptions and ecological importance
The bear and the dragon in the North: Russia-China cooperation in the Arctic
The beyond experience: Consciousness in Bhagavad Gita
The Brussels Ultimatum
The Capabilities of Affirmative Action for Students in India's Higher Education Sector
The Cauvery Conflict (NIAS Backgrounder No. B5-2010)
The challenges of building the human resource pipeline in research intensive organizations
The Chinese media scene: A politico-strategic take on the state of play (NIAS Report No. R12-2012)
The City as Action: Retheorizing Urban Studies
The Cognitive Polysemy of Sensory Terms in Sanskrit
The collective family and migration capital: Women workers in Bengaluru's garment industry
The Contemporary: Between Time and Art or Time as Art?
The Corporeal Costs of Doing What You Love
The Cosmic Ray Story (R4-98)
The Cost of Climate Change Heightened Sexual and Gender-Based Violence: A Challenge for International Law
The Cracked Mirror: An Indian Debate on Experience and Theory
The culture of environmental education: insights from a citizen science experiment in India
The Curious Case of the Galaganatha Dolmen: Possible Links between Megalithic Monuments and Early Temples at Aihole
The Currency Crunch and Militarization - S-E Asia still Groping ahead
The Decision for Indian Human Spaceflight Programme-Political Perspectives, National Relevance and Technological Challenges
The Difference in Traditional and Contemporary Meditative Pathways
The 'Digital Others'
The Disappearance of Roddam Narasimha
The discovery of nuclear fission – a game changer in the history of scientific research
The Dynamics of Technology: Creation and Diffusion of Skills and Knowledge
The Eastern Economic Forum and India’s balancing act
'The education question' from the perspective of Adivasis: Conditions, policies and structures (NIAS Report No. R7-2012)
The Education question from the perspective of Adivasis: Conditions, policies and structures (NIAS Report No.R7-2012)
The elephant and the tiger: Energy security, geopolitics, and national strategy in China and India’s cross border gas pipelines
The Elephant in the Room – I
The Elephant in the Room: Methods, Challenges and Concerns in the Monitoring of Asian Elephant Populations
The Emerging Threats to the Himalayan Environment
The emerging world space order and its implications for India's security
The Ephemeral Cataract of Badami: An Early Chalukyan Artificial Waterfall?
The Ethical Act of Voting
The expanse of archaeological remains at Nalanda: A study using remote sensing and GSI
The Fate of Reforms (The Fourth M N Srinivas Memorial Lecture) (NIAS Special Publication No.SP1-2004)
The flight of the hornbill: drift and diffusion in arboreal avian movement
The “Free and Open Indo-Pacific” Strategy: Evolving Japan’s Maritime Security Strategy
The Geometry and Nonlinear Dynamics of pathogenesis
The Global Indian Software Labour Force: IT Professionals in Europe. (IDPAD Working Paper Series 2006, No. 1)
The Globalisation of Literature(NIAS Lecture L3 - 2001)
The globalization of literature (NIAS Lecture No. L3-2001)
The Governance of Energy Megaprojects:Politics, Hubris and Energy Security.
The Grand Challenge of Earthquake Prediction (Guest Editorial)
The Great Divide: Exploring the Divergence between Urban Metabolism in Theory and Practice in Water Supply System in Bengaluru
The Great Indian GST Debate
The Great Indian Ocean Tsunami of 2004: An Overview of a National Disaster (NIAS Books and Special Publications No.SP3-2006)
The gulf between men and monkeys
The Higgs Boson discovery story: Lessons in managing mega science research projects. (NIAS Lecture No.L5-2012)
The Hindu Nationalist Sociology of G S Ghurye
The Human Genome
The Hypersonic Missile Conundrum
The Idea of God(NIAS Lecture L3 - 2002)
The Idea of God
The idea of Indianness
The idea of Indian society: G.S.Ghurye and the making of Indian Sociology
The Idea of Space
The Idea of the Atom(NIAS Lecture L1 - 2003)
The idea of trusteeship in Gandhi and J R D Tata
The Imagination of Science
The Impact of Development on Social Conflicts-Case Studies of Intra-Family and Inter-Group Strife in Two Villages in Kerala
The impact of education-led growth on human development: A case study of Malappuram district, Kerala
The Impact of Infrastructure Provisioning on Inequality in India: Does the Level of Development Matter?
The Inchoate Field of Digital Offline: A Reflection on Studying Mobile Media Practices of Digital Subalterns in India
The Indian digital heritage-Hampi (Interview)
The Indian Economic Scene
The Indian half of Needham’s question: some thoughts on axioms, models,algorithms, and computational positivism
The Indo-US nuclear deal – a decade after
The influence of Indian mathematics and astronomy in Iran (NIAS Lecture No. L2-2001).
The inner mirror: Kannada writings on society and culture
The interfaith movement. (NIAS Lecture No. L1-2002)
The Kashmir Dispute: Making Borders Irrelevant
The land of forgotten temples
The language of choice
The Last Colony: Muzaffarabad-Gilgit-Baltistan
The Leaky Pipeline: a Social Scientist Perspective
The lengthening pendulum: Adiabatic invariance and bursting solutions
The listeners: A multi-perspective analysis of AcchA and other Bangla response tokens
The macaque connection: Cooperation and conflict between humans and macaques
The Mahimandala Gita, Chapter 66, by Arakkhita Das:Notes towards a Translation
The Majoritarian way to Democracy: The Bodoland Conflict in Assam
The man behind Pokharan-I success
The many splendoured personality of J.R.D.Tata (NIAS Lecture - AP056)
The Maverick Maharaja - The Life and Times of Maharaja Jayachamarajendra Wadiyar
The megalithic burial potteries of Siruthavoor: micromorphology
The megalithic burial potteries of Siruthavoor: Micromorphology
The Megaliths of Peninsular India and Their Possible Connection with Astronomy
The Mess in Sierra Leone - Humiliation of Indian Army
The Metaphysical Integration of Upāya in the Trika Philosophy and Bhoja’s Model Based on Triguṇa-Puruṣārtha to Understand the Concepts of Śivatva, Self-Realisation and Consciousness
The Mind of an Engineer
The Monkey in the Towns Commons: A Natural History of the Indian Bonnet Macaque. (NIAS Report No. R2-2001)
The monkey in the town’s commons, revisited: An anthropogenic history of the Indian bonnet macaque
The Mullaperiyar conflict (NIAS Backgrounder No. B4-2010)
The Naga Conflict (NIAS Backgrounder No.B7-2012)
The Nataraja bronze: Insights on art, technology and philosophy
The National Bias of India’s Electoral System (NIAS/SSc/IHD/U/WP/02/2022)
The National Bias of India’s First-Past-The-Post System
The National Movement
The need for a National Archaeological database
The Need for Better Monitoring of Climate Change in the Middle and Upper Atmosphere
The next growth story: Experts predict 2015 entails for Indian manufacturers
The NIAS Logo and the Sulva-Sutra
The nomadic city appropriates the street .. …and disrupts its grid
The not-so-hidden power of mobility and education: Indian diaspora, Knowledge industries and the development imperatives
The ocean carbon sinks and climate change
The Offline Media Economy: Digitally Marginalized Users of Mobile Phones
The Other House: Why legislative councils serve little purpose
The 'Outer Self" and the 'Inner Body': Exteriorization of the self in cognitive sciences
The outliers: An interplay of space, knowledge, and capabilities in defining human–elephant relations in rurban southern India
The Pak-US Déjà vu
The Paradox of Faith, The Hindu, 29 October 2018
The permanence of temporary workers
The personal is social: Women left behind in India's rural transformation (NIAS/SSc/IHD/U/WP/19/2021)
The Pianist
The place of the tribunal in Inter-State water disputes
The political economy of labor informality in India: trends, theories, and politics
The political economy of rape
The politics of migration in India: What it is; and what to do?
The Polysemy of the Prabandha-Reading a premodern Musical Genre
The Potential for Concentrator Photovoltaics: A Feasibility Study in India
The powerful pachyderm
The power of the atom
The problem
The Professional Action Committee for Educational Reforms awarded the PACER award to eminent scientist Raja Ramanna for his Outstanding contribution to science and Technology and for life time achievement s. PACER instituted the award last year to honour persons in recognition of life time achievement and contribution to science and technology and education.
The Promise of Small Satellites for National Security (NIAS Report No. R33-2015)
The Psychology of Teaching Critical History
The public intellectual in India
The Public Scientist
The q-deformed Tinkerbell map
The quest for ultimate reality: Interview with Prof. B.V. Sreekantan, cosmic ray physicist and astronomer. Part II
The quest for ultimate reality
The relevance of Indian philosophy for philosophy of science
The Rise of Think-Tanks in India
The rise of troubled Asia
The Rohingya Insurgents: Myanmar Creates its own Frankenstein
The Rohingya Violence
The Role of One’s Motive in Meditation Practices and Prosociality
The “Round Mound” and its Structural Requirements: A Possible Scenario for the Evolution of the Form of the Stupa
The Rumbling Earth: The Story of Indian Earthquakes
The Rurban Elephant: Behavioural Ecology of Asian Elephants in Response to Large-Scale Land Use Change in a Human-Dominated Landscape in Peri-Urban Southern India
The Safety of Digital Democracy (Report No: NIAS/CSS/ISSSP/U/RR/068/2019)
The saga of the tambura Musical tradition
The science behind archaeological signatures from space
The Secret of the word and the theatrics of faith-healing: tracing the language-consciousness nexus through mantravada narratives from Kerala
The self as Institution
The self as organizer
The ‘Self’ Aspects: the Sense of the Existence, Identification, and Location
The shifting economic base of inclusiveness
The shifting sands in Afghanistan
The Significance of Ancient Water Systems and the Sacred Groves in the Landscape of Badami, Karnataka: A Geospatial Study
The significance of wootz steel to the history of materials science
The situational dimension of cash transfers: The inflationary and differentiated effects of the proposed changes in food subsidies in India
The Social and Political Dimensions of Ethnic Conflicts in Manipur
The Social Context of Technological Experiences: Three Studies from India
The sociality of science
The Social Life of Memes and Education
The Social Life of Surveillance (NIAS Working Paper NIAS/SSc/IHD/U/WP/29/2021)
The Social Worlds of Higher Education: Welfare Hostels as Pedagogic Sites
The structure of music in raga and western systems
Taj is not symmetrical discover city researchers
Taking Archaeological Concepts outside the Social Science Class in Indian Schools
Taking the high road? Labour in the Indian software outsourcing industry
Tamil Chola Bronzes and Swamimalai Legacy: Metal Sources and Archaeotechnology
Tamil Nadu’s discoveries rewrite the Iron Age timeline and South India’s past
The tangled causes of population decline in two harvested plant species: a comment on Ticktin et al. (2012)
Task Force wants Ban Lifted on Recruitment of Teachers
Tata opens IISc digital library
Tawang, monpas and Tibetan Buddhism in Transition: Life and Society along the India-China Borderland
TB in Zoo Elephants and the Transmission of Infection into Zookeepers due to Extended Proximity during COVID-19 Pandemic
Teacher education in India
Teacher education in India: International education
Teachers’ work and teachable moments in the new regime
Teacher training module for identifying gifted children with the teacher nomination form for gifted children (ages 3-12): Developed as part of the project identification of gifted children age 3-15 years (with special focus on Maths and Science). (NIAS Report No. R16-2013)
Teacher Training Module for Identifying Gifted Children with the Teacher Nomination Form for Gifted Children (Ages 3-12) (Kannada) (R24-2014)
Technical and Strategic Capability: An assessment of Pakistan's Ballistic Missile Programme (NIAS Report No. R5-2006)
Techniques of Bronze Casting
Technocrats Offer Remedies for Bangalore's Problems
Techno-cultural perspectives on medieval Southeast Asia and Southern India: Pallava bronzes and beyond
Technological Assessment of Select Light Water Reactors to Accelerate Nuclear Power Expansion in India (NIAS/NSE/EECP/R/RR/01/2025)
Technological Trends in Electric Passenger Car Segment in India and Medium-Term Demand for Magnet-Based Rare Earth Materials
Technology and innovation in China: A case study of single crystal superalloy development for aircraft turbine blades (NIAS Report No. R4-2011)
Technology and Society
Technology development of fast reactor fuel reprocessing in India
Technology, Economic Growth and Sustainable Development
Technology must Suit Real Needs
Technology transfer and non-proliferation
Tech Steps up Archaeological Efforts to Find Hidden Remains
Tectonics of the Northwestern, Sikkim and Eastern Himalaya
Tedium of Schooling. Book Review: Social Implications of Schooling: Knowledge, Pedagogy and Consciousness by Avijith Pathak; Rainbow Publishers, New Delhi, 2002; pp 260, hardback Rs 325.
Telangana archaeomaterials: analytical perspectives
Telangana Field Survey: A macro-morphological analysis of technological debris
Tel Aviv and Pretoria’s Nuclear Tango
Temperature Dependent Zeno Time for a Two Level Atom Traversing through a Thermal Magnetic Barrier in the Framework of Weak Measurement
Temple Architecture of Karnataka
Temples of Memory: the Bhutnath Temple Environs at Badami as a Commemorative Landscape
Temporal variability of ozone and its precursors at tropical megacity, Bengaluru, India: Effect of volatile organic compounds and meteorology
Territories beyond geography: an alternative approach to the demands of the new states in India
Terrorism, Communal Politics and Ethnic Demography: Is there a Causal Connection? - Empirical Analysis of Terrorist Incidents in Maharashtra (NIAS/CSS/ISSSP/U/RR/08/2020)
Terrorism Post 9/11: An Indian Perspective
Testing for Causality in Artificial Intelligence (AI)
'Tests not Done to Join Nuclear Club'
Theoretical and Experimental Investigations into Causality, its Measures and Applications
The theory of emotions in Sanskrit poetics and its implications for psychiatric practice
Thermal stratification characteristics during simultaneous charging and discharging for different storage tank geometries with immersed discharging coil
Thermochemical Energy Storage Using Radial Flow Annular Reactor for Attaining Lower Pressure Drop
Thermographical Analysis of Continuing Tradition of Mirror Casting in Kerala
They Contested GP Elections on 'Reward' Seats
Thinking about Water in Uncertain Times: State, People and Conflicts
Three Dimensions and Beyond
Three Perspectives on Complexity: Entropy, Compression, Subsymmetry
Tiffin: Memories and Recipes of Indian Vegetarian Food - Book Reading
Time for Universal Public Distribution System: Food Mountains and Pandemic Hunger in India
Time-Reversibility, Causality and Compression-Complexity
Time to Rewrite Einstein's Relativity, says Noble Laureate
Tiny satellites mooted to watch suspicious activity along border
Tipu’s lost paradise found
'Toilet Rule' Threat will not Develop Rural Areas: Ghorpade
Toilet Rule to Head Amendments List: Ghorpade
Tomorrow's Leaders' to Meet at NIAS
Tools as non-elaborated aesthetic form
Towards a conceptual framework for development of sustainable development indicators for an urban setup
Towards a framework to determine backwardness: Caste, inequality and reservations in India
Towards a ground-up framework for teachers' assessment and professional development: A study conducted for Oxford University Press, India (NIAS Report R65-2018)
Towards a location-sensitive policy for manufacturing in Karnataka
Towards an Asset-based Indicator of Poverty
Towards an Institutional Strategy for the Study of Sustainability (NIAS/U/RR/09/2020)
Towards a Nuclear Weapon Free World
Towards a PML minus Sharif?
Towards a socially consistent science and technology policy
Towards a Strategy for Manufacturing in Karnataka (NIAS Report No. R22-2014)
Towards Blue Economy: A Perspective
Towards Developing the National Earth Observation System
Towards engaged social sciences(NIAS Report No. R1 - 08)
Towards engaged social sciences: report of the consultation held at National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bangalore on October 29 and 30 2007 (NIAS Report No. R1-2008)
Towards measuring interventions in rainfed areas
Towards stewardship of oceans: Role of G20 countries
Towards Sustainable Agriculture
Towards sustainable development: planning surface coal mine closures in India
Towards the instrumentality of inequality
Tracing Ancient Itinerants and Early Medieval Rulers in the Forests of Bandhavgarh
The Traditional Craft of Leather Bellows Making: Technoethnoarchaeological Perspectives from Sholapur, India
Traditional Grains Storage Practices of Chettiar Community in Tamil Nadu with Special Reference to Shivaganga District
Traditional Techniques of Gold Jewellery: A Case Study of Devakottai,Tamil Nadu
Trained scientific women power: How much are we losing and why?
Traits of Gifted Children in India: An Analysis. NIAS Gifted Education Programme (NIAS Report R40-2016). Pre-print for limited circulation
Transformation through Research, Dialogues and Policies 2016
Transformative Constitutionalism and the Decriminalisation of the Right to Love (Public Lecture as a part of Changing India Series delivered on 24 September 2018)
Transgressing Narrative Boundaries: Exploring How Indigenous Faith—Healing Rituals from Kerala Move Beyond the Limitations of Narrative Therapy
Transition from Village to Town: A Study of Two Settlements in Punjab
Transition path to promote renewable energy by DISCOMs
Transition Plan for Thermal Power Plants in India (NIAS/NSE/EE/U/PB/17/2020)
Translating Ashokamitran’s words – and his silences
Translating the world: science and language
Translation and Science
The travel gods must be crazy
TREADS: Target Research for Anti-epileptic Drugs Using Data Science
Trees of NIAS: Nature's Bounty
Trend Analysis of PhD S in India 1998-2007
Trends in extinction and persistence of diurnal primates in the fragmented lowland rainforests of the Upper Brahmaputra Valley, Northeastern India
Trends in Higher Education: Creation and Analysis of a Database of PhDs (NIAS Report No. R1-2010)
Tribute to a titan
The Trika School - A Religio-Philosophical Emergence
Triple dip La-Nina, unorthodox circulation and unusual spin in air quality of India
'Troubled waters': Maritime issues in Palk Strait, Indian ocean
Troubling Tehran: Reflections on geopolitics
Trump’s muddle East
Truth, Beauty, Art... Forays into the Dimensions of Science
Truth through Nonviolence
Tuberculosis: A brief overview and recent advancements in clinical treatment
Tuberculosis Newsletter 1(1)
Tuberculosis Newsletter 1(2)
Tuberculosis Newsletter, 1(3)
The Turbulence of Youth and the Importance of a Master
Turbulent transformations and urban undesirables: Revanchist urban transition and street-based sex work in Bangalore
Tusks of wisdom: The elephant in the Buddhist art of Kanaganahalli
Twinning in wild, endangered lion-tailed macaques Macaca silenus in the Anamalai Hills of the Western Ghats, India
Two Paths, One Destination: Truth
The two-seat solution: One leader, one constituency should be a principle in electoral politics
The Urban Service Workforce Will Be the Next Casualty of the COVID-19 Lockdown
The US and the Third World in the New World Order
The Use of Symbols in Mathematics and Logic
The use of tin and bronze in prehistoric South Indian metallurgy
The Varieties of Contemplative Experiences and Practices
The Virus of Democratically Elected Authoritarianism
The Water Sector in India: An Overview
The Writing of the Social Sciences