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Sadhi, Pirivu, Kalvikkotam: Ullur Kalvi Aivarikkai Thanjavur, Tamilnadu
Saluvankuppam coastal temple excavation and application of soil micromorphology
Saluvankuppam coastal temple- excavation and application of soil micro morphology
Sangam Tamilagam Mattu Kannada Nadu-Nudi: [The Sangam Tamilagam and Kannada Land and Language: Reflections on the Early Dravidian Relations]
Sankalpagala samarasa Lingabedha mattu Adhikara(NIAS Report No. R5 - 00)
Sannati – an Early Historic Buddhist Settlement in North Karnataka, India
Sarkar in the backyard: state-fabrication in a watershed project in Kalahandi, Odisha, India
Satellite Remote Sensing Data Policy: Benefits of Free & Open Data (NIAS Policy Brief No. NIAS/NSE/U/PB/04/2021)
Saturation indices of aqueous mineral phases as proxies of seasonal dynamics of a transitional water ecosystem using a geochemical modeling approach
Sāvannu arasi: Icchāmaraņada Jainasiddhānta mattu cāritrika sādŗśyagaļu (Kannada translation of the book entitled Pursuing death: The Jain philosophy of voluntary termination of life and its historical practices (translated by O.L.Nagabhushanaswami))
Sāvannu svāgatisi: Śravaņa Beļgola itihāsada hinneleyalli icchāmaraņa prakriye. (Kannada translation of the book entitled Inviting death: Voluntary termination of life in the background of Śravaņa Beļgola (translated by Sadananda Kunawalli and S Settar))
'Save Iraq's Historical Treasure'
Save the Environment
Saving Wildlife in a Changing India
Scale of outcome-based education: Beyond the knowledge-skill dichotomy
Scaling-up Nature based solutions for mainstreaming urban resilience in Indian cities
Scholarly Communication
Scholarship and social insight (M.N.Srinivas turns 80)
Science and Beyond: Cosmology, Consciousness and Technology in the Indic Traditions (NIAS Special Publications No.SP2-2004)
Science and Higher Education
Science and Metaphysics: A Discussion on Consciousness and Genetics (NIAS Books and Special Publications No. SP10-2002)
Science and Narratives of Nature: East and West
Science and non-science
Science and Spirituality - Need for a Symbiosis
'Science and Spiritual Quest' in January
Science and Technology
Science and technology capabilities of China
Science and technology in China- Implications and lessons for India: An overview
Science and technology of imaging from space
Science and Technology-Philosophical Concepts underlying Physics
Science and technology to counter terrorism: Proceedings of an Indo-U.S. workshop
Science and the ethics of curiosity
Science and the Spiritual Quest
Science for Musical Excellence (Sixth Raja Ramanna memorial Lecture)
Science in our Tongue
Science, Knowledge and Society - A Response to Sokol and Nanda (WP4-98)
Science Meet From Bangalore from January 8
Science, Philosophy are Quests for Truth: Nittoor Srinivas Rao
Science, reality, and consciousness
Science, Technology and Development: How long is t he long path for developed India. (NIAS/NSE/U/RR/11/2023)
Science, technology and Indian society: An anthology of perspectives (NIAS Report No. R38-2016)
Science, Technology and Society
Science, Technology and Society: A Tale about Rocket Development during 1750-1850 (NIAS Report No. R3-1999)
Scientific and Philosophical Approaches to Consciousness
Scientific and philosophical studies on consciousness (NIAS Books and Special Publications)
Scientific explanations and consciousness(NIAS Report No. R7 - 99)
Scientific, Technological and Gendered Relations: An Ethnographic Study of Women Scientists, Engineers and Factory Workers
Scientific Validation of Skilled Aranmula Metal Mirror Craft Techniques
Scientist and mentor
Scientist at Play
Scientists Ponder Over Science and Religion
Scio Ergo Sum: Knowledge of the Self in a Nonhuman Primate
Seasonal Variability in Fine Particulate Matter Water Content and Estimated pH over a Coastal Region in the Northeast Arabian Sea
Securing Livelihoods: The Watershed Plus Approach and Emergence of ‘The Social’ in a Watershed Project in Odisha
Sedimentary records of liquefaction from central Kerala (southwestern India), as earthquake indicators in a cratonic area
Seed dispersal by Rhesus Macaques (Macaca mulatta)
Seed dispersal by rhesus macaques Macaca mulatta in Northern India
Seeing the Elephant: Socioecology and Physiology of the Female Asian Elephant Elephas maximus in an Anthropogenic Landscape in Southern India
Seeing the Urban from the Agrarian: Emerging Forms of Agrarian Urbanization in India
Self and Emotions in Bhakti
Self and empathy
Self and transformative experiences: Three Indian philosophers on consciousness
Self and well-being: A qualitative approach with focus on the Mahabharata
Self-cleaning coating for solar panel applications
Self, Culture and Consciousness: Interdisciplinary Convergences on Knowing and Being
Self help groups: a medium of Water conflict resolution
Self-Reliance in Design of Gas Turbine Exhaust System
Self, Well-being, and Agency in the Caraka Saṃhitā
Self, well-being, and the Mahabharata: A qualitative reading
Selig Harrison's Model and India's Nuclear Posture - Will it Serve India's Interests?
Seminar on Disaster Management Today
Seminar on Science and Metaphysical form to be Inaugurated Today
Seminar on State Infrastructure held
Seminar Underlines Similarity Between Science and Religion
Sensor Science and Technology
Sensory cues employed for the acquisition of familiarity-dependent recognition of a shoal of conspecifics by climbing perch (Anabas testudineus Bloch)
Separate Norms for Biodiversity Projects in Third World Stressed
‘Serviced from India’: The Making of India’s Global Youth Workforce
Seven scientific adventures of shaurya and maya (second in the series of books on science for children)
Seven Stages of Patriarchy: Age and the Indian Woman's experience of gender discrimination (NIAS/SSc/IHD/U/WP/17/2021)
Seven Wonderful Scientific Adventures of Shaurya and Maya (Kindle edition)
Sexual and Gender-Based Violence in International Law: Making International Institutions Work
Sexual Harassment and its Vicissitudes: Jadavpur University, 2014-17
Shared Ecologies, Shared Futures: Using the Ethnoprimatological Approach to Study Human-Primate Interfaces and Advance the Sustainable Coexistence of People and Primates
Sharing blue gold: Locating water conflicts in India (NIAS Books and Special Publications No. SP6-2015)
Sharing from the Same Bowl: Resource Partitioning between Sympatric Macaque Species in the Western Himalaya, India
Sharing India’s Past: Recording Portable Antiquities and Facilitating a Shared Heritage
Sharing the Joy of Observing Nature: A Study of Nature Walks in India
Shaurya aur Maya Ke Saat Adbhut Vaigyanik Karanaame (Translated by Niraj Chaddha) (Kindle edition)
'Shifting Perimeters': Social and ethical implications of human genomics research
Shifting waterscapes: Tradition, development and change in Orissa
Shikshana Roopantara: A Collection of Articles by Various Educationists, Rendered from English to Kannada by different Translators
Shikshana Shilpa: Shikshanavannu Kuritha Lekhana Samputa
Shiva as 'cosmic dancer':on Pallava origins of the Nataraja bronze.
Shortsighted about the shortwings? Conservation biology of the shortwings, threatened endemic birds, on the sky islands of southern India
Shreshta Vignani, Kannada Premi Raja Ramanna
Shrinking tree cover and increasing tourist arrivals create an existential crisis for the lion-tailed macaque and other denizens of the forest in Valparai
Shrink-wrapped souls: Managing the self in India’s new economy
Silent words: Semiotic assemblages as bridges to the semantics-pragmatics divide in communication
Simulating organic aerosol in Delhi with WRF-Chem using the volatility-basis-set approach: exploring model uncertainty with a Gaussian process emulator
Sines in terse verse
Singing in the sky: song variation in an endemic bird on the sky islands of southern India
Sino-Pak nuclear and missile collaboration: Implications for India
Sir Penrose, Dr Goodall to Address Event Today
Siruthavoor: An Iron Age-Early Historical burial site, Tamil Nadu, South India
Sister Nivedita: She gave her all to India (NIAS Wednesday Discussion Report)
Situatedness of School Choice among Muslim Students: An Intersectional Approach
Situating megalithic burials in the Iron Age-Early Historic landscape of southern India
Situating megalithic burials in the Iron Age-Early Historic landscape of southern India
Six Challenges in Afghanistan’s War With COVID-19
Six months after the tsunami
Six months after the Tsunami- Meeting Report. Introduction
Sixty years of the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research 1945-2005: The role of young men in the creation and development of this institute
Skilled mirror craft of intermetallic delta high-tin bronze (Cu31Sn8, 32.6% tin) from Aranmula, Kerala
Skills Development Initiatives and Labour Migration in a Secondary Circuit of Globalized Production: Evidence from the Garment Industry in India
Skill training has become a numbers game
Sludge Hygienisation—A Novel Technology for Urban Areas to Deal with Incursion of COVID-19 Viral Particles in Wastewater
Small Modular Reactors to Achieve Net Zero with Energy Security for India (NIAS/NSE/EECP/U/PB/20/2023)
Small Modular Reactors to Achieve SDG 7 and Net Zero Emission (T20 Policy Brief)
Small signal analysis of integrated power systems
Smartphone geospatial apps for dengue control, prevention, prediction, and education: MOSapp, DISapp, and the mosquito perception index (MPI)
Social Anthropology
Social Anthropology and Literary Sensibility (L1-98)
Social Behaviour of the Slender Loris (Loris tardigradus lydekkerianus)
Social Change in India
Social Codes under Stress
Social Decision Making is influenced by size of shoal but not boldness, sociability or familiarity in Deccan Mahseer (Tor Khudree)
Social dimension of India's energy future
Social exclusion and special educational interventions among Muslims of Bihar
Social Grievances and Corporate Greed: Twenty20 and Conflicts in Kizhakkambalam
Social History of Indian metalcrafts: Some archaeometallurgical and ethnoarchaeological insights
Sociality in a Solitary Primate: How Gregarious is the Slender Loris?
Social sector pays the price
Social Significance of Religion
Social Stratification among Muslims
Society Needs a Global Renaissance-Karan Singh
Socio-ecological Implications of Pesticide Use in India
Socio-ecological implications of pesticide use in India (NIAS Report No. R1-2003)
Socio-ecological Implications of Pesticide use in India (R1-2003)
Socio-economic drivers of forest cover change in Assam: A historical perspective
Socio-Economics of Technology Options. (NIAS Lecture No. L2-2011)
Sociology and Ideology. ( Ninth M.N. Srinivas Memorial Lecture) (NIAS Lecture No.L2-2008)
Sociology in Indian context
Sodium Fast Reactors with Closed Fuel Cycle
Software and the 'New' middle class in the 'New India'
Solar energy for rural electricity in India: A misplaced emphasis
Solar Energy: Urban first, rural later
Somanathapura: An illustrated monograph. 2nd ed.
Songs of monkeys: Representations of macaques in classical Tamil literature
So that a nuclear weapon free world comes to be: Making politico-diplomatic use of our nuclear weapons. (NIAS Working Paper No. WP1-2011)
Sources, Authentication and Rules of Citation - Research Methodology Course
South Asia: A. India
South Asia: India
South Asia's Water Bomb
'South East Asian Countries can form Powerful Common Market'
South Indian Iron Age iron and high carbon steel: with reference to Kadebakele and comparative insights from Mel-siruvalur
Southward Ho! Demographic Change, the North-South Divide and Internal Migration in India
Space and time in language as a pattern in general fictivity
Spaced-based archaeological investigations
Space Newsletter: Science, Technology, Application 2(2)
Space Newsletter: Science, Technology, Application, 2(3)
Space Newsletter: Science, Technology, applications 2(1)
Space observation for generating 3D perspective views and its implications to study the archaeological site of Badami in India
Space security in India
Spaces of Learning and Growth: Residential Schools in Maharashtra - Research Highlights (NIAS/SSc/EDU/U/RR/12/2019)
Space technology for humanity: A profile for the coming 50 years
Space, War and Deterrence: A Strategy for India
Space, war and security - A strategy for India (NIAS Report No. R36-2015)
Spatial Assessment of forest litterfall in Central Himalayas (India): Comparison of geospatial, remote sensing and data-driven estimates
Spatializing Nation at the Border District of Arunachal Pradesh
Spatiotemporal atmospheric in-situ carbon dioxide data over the Indian sites-data perspective
Spatio-temporal variability and possible source identification of criteria pollutants from Ahmedabad-a megacity of Western India
Speaking of Assault: Expressions and their Histories (Wednesday Talk as a part of Changing India Series delivered on 20th March 2019)
Specifics of Space Cooperation Potential Between Japan and India (IAC-16-E3.1.9)
Spectroscopic Investigations and Mineral Chemistry of Dunite from the Sargur Supracrustals (3 Ga) Greenstone Belt: Implications to Terrestrial Analogues for Lunar and Martian Dunite
Spring Blossoms and Forgotten Poetry
Sri Lanka-Pakistan relations: Search for strategic relationship
Srinivas - man to be remembered
Sri Sri to Speak at Public Event Today
Stakeholder Consultation Workshop on a Draft Sustainable Coal Mining Bill Workshop Report of SERB – NIAS Virtual Workshop, September 5, 2020 (NIAS/NSE/EEP/U/WR/19/2020)
Stakeholders Address Violence: Violence Against Women (NIAS Report No. R3-2000)
Standards, Spatial Framework and Technologies for National GIS (NIAS Report No. R30-2015)
State, Civil Society and Right to Education
State Govt, to Accept Education Panel Report
State has Sought Review of CRA Order: Patil
State Seeks Review of CRA Order
State to Set up Women Welfare Centres soon
State will Save Lakes to Cope with Imminent Water Shortage
Status of electric power transmission in India and possible technological developments(NIAS Report No. R1 - 2000)
Status of organic forming in agro ecosystems in India
Status of Rural Women in Karnataka (NIAS Books and Special Publications No. SP4-2006)
Stepping into another Woman's Shoes: Substitute Women in Families of Female Emigrant Workers (NIAS Working Paper No. WP7-2017)
Stone fortress of Chitledroog: Visualizing old landscape of Chitradurga by integrating spatial information from multiple sources
Stories from Silent Stones: on the Shape of Wedge Marks as a Diagnostic of Stone‐Craft of Different Periods
Storming the World Stage: the Story of Lashkar-e-Taiba
Strategic issues in the emerging world order
Strategic Parity for Peace: Engaging China in the 21st Century (K Subrahmanyam Memorial Lecture)(NIAS Lecture No.L7-2013)
Streetscapes: a symposium on the future of the streets - The problem
Streeyaramelina himse: Ondu Samalochane [Kannada] (R6-2000)
Streeyara Melina Himse ondu samalochane(NIAS Report No. R5 - 00)
Striving for a Nuclear Weapon Free world - fifth Raja Ramanna Memorial Lecture (NIAS Lecture No. L3-2010)
Structure and Functions of Gesture Sequences in Wild Bonnet Macaques (Macaca radiata)
Student Teacher Interaction
Studies in Logic: A Dialogue Between the East and the West. Homage to Bimal Krishna Matilal
Study Blames Improper State Funding Units, Weather Social Stigma Drove Farmers to Death, says NIAS Report
Study of Different Flow Configurations of Radial Flow Annular Reactor for Thermochemical Energy Storage
Study on the behaviour of thermal stratification in encapsulated PCM-based storage system (Paper ID-441)
Study on The Ecological Consequences of Food Wastage
Sub-division of the Atom
Subject choice and STEM careers for women in India
Subjective foundations of Science: Language, Consciousness and Reason
Sub-segment-based approach for assessing growth and energy transition trajectories of Indian two-wheelers
'Suburban rail can cut B'lore pollution'
Summary of the meetings on Human Reliability Program in Industries of National Importance
Summary of the meetings on the Human Reliability Program on Industries of National Importance (NIAS Report No. NIAS/NSE/U/MR/02/2021)
Support Services to Counter Violence Against Women’ in Karnataka: A Resource Directory (NIAS Books and Special Publications No. SP3-2002)
Survey of iron and steel production in Northern Telangana, Andhra Pradesh and typological classification of archaeometallurgical remains
Sustainability of Coal Mining: Challenges and Way Forward (NIAS/NSE/EEP/U/WR/71/2019)
Sustainability of coal mining in India - Challenges and way forward (NIAS Policy Brief No. NIAS/NSE/EEP/U/PB/08/2019)
Sustainable Development and Community Aspirations: The Case of Chadong
Sustainable energy for developing countries
Sustainable pathways to energy utilisation: Improving the environmental governance of coal mines in India through a unified authority. Vol.1 (NIAS/NSE/EEP/U/RR/06/2021)
Sustainable pathways to energy utilisation: State of the environment in the Ramagundam and Dorli-Bellampalli coal mines in the State of Telangana. Vol.2 (NIAS/NSE/EEP/U/RR/07/2021)
Sustaining Excellence and Relevance in an Organization: A Joint Study between NIAS and NITI Aayog (NIAS Report No. R63-2018)
Swamimalai bronze casting: Chola traditions and changing parameters
Swaminathan for Adequate Support to Agri Research
Symbiosis between Since and Spirit
Symbolic Conscious Experience
Symposium on Science, Spirituality Ends
Synergistic Application of Optical and Radar Data for Archaeological Exploration in the Talakadu Region, Karnataka
Syrian chemical weapons: The danger within