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IAEA Safeguards: Evolution and Current Status
IBSA vs BRICS: China and India courting Africa
ICHR Nostalgic About Dharwad Scholar
Iconographic trends in Rama worship: Insights from techno-cultural studies of bronzes
Idea of God (NIAS Lecture No. L3-2002).
Ideas and Ideology of Maoist Insurgency in India: An Introduction
Identification and mentoring gifted children: Ages 3-15 years (NIAS Report No. R37-2015)
Identification and Quantification of Emission Hotspots of Air Pollutants over Bhubaneswar: A Smart City in Eastern India
Identification of 3'-UTR single nucleotide variants and prediction of select protein imbalance in mesial temporal lobe epilepsy patients
Identification of Uranium Mill Sites from Open Source Satellite Images (NIAS Report No. R34-2015)
Identity and political choice: The co-existence of singular affiliation politics and pluralism
Identity with India's Agenda
IDH Snippets
I Excerpts Chamu
IGBP in India 2000: A status report on projects
Ignored in Life, Forgotten in Death: The Nature of Agricultural Labour Suicides (NIAS Working Paper 11 - 2019)
Ignore the small battles, focus on the Bigger Wars
Ignore the Small Battles, Focus on the Bigger Wars
I have an Exam Tomorrow
'IISc, Infosys may be on Itinerary' - Expert says CTBT unlikely on Clinton agenda
Illegal migration and strategic challenges: A case study of undocumented migration from Bangladesh to India
Illustrious master
Image archiving for the UKIERI Pioneering Metallurgy Project 2010
Image measurement errors and missile performance (NIAS Report No. R2-2009)
Imagining India: Software and the ideology of liberalisation
Impact assessment of surface ozone exposure on crop yields at three tropical stations over India
Impact of climate change on larch budmoth cyclic outbreaks
Impact of entrepreneur on the sectoral system of innovation: Case study of the Indian crude oil refining industry
Impact of Land-Use Pattern on Particulate Matter Pollution in a Mega-City in India
Impact of lockdown emission scenario on fine particulate matters (PM1) and its comparison with PM2.5 within Indian megacities
Impact of Science and Technology on Women
Impact of the Covid 19 Pandemic on the Indian Economy: A Critical Assessment (NIAS/NSE/EEP/U/WP/18/2020)
Implementation of AGRI-GIS (Report 2018-2021)
Implementation of Clean Coal Technologies to comply with “New Emission Norms” for Thermal Power Plants - Way forward for Southern Region Summary Report of NITI Aayog-DST-NIAS Workshop 17th September 2019 (NIAS/NSE/EEP/U/WR/13/2019)
Implementation of clean coal technologies to comply with "New Emission Norms" for thermal power plants - way forward for the Southern region. Summary Report of NITI Aayog-DST-NIAS Workshop, 17th September 2019 (NIAS/NSE/EEP/U/WR/13/2019)
Implications of Emission Sources and Biosphere Exchange on Temporal Variations of CO2 and δ13C Using Continuous Atmospheric Measurements at Shadnagar (India)
Implications of Local Conflicts on Bilateral Relations: Cases of the Land Boundary and Enclave Conflicts on India-Bangladesh Relationship
Importance of Leadership (NIAS Lecture No.L1-2007)
Impregnation of S-layer protein isolated from extremophilic Bacillus Licheniformis NARW 02 onto titanium phosphate ceramic enhances uranium removal from aqueous solution
Improved geospatial analysis of shoreline modification using a weighted-average-based novel formulation
Improved realistic stratification model for estimating thermocline thickness in vertical thermal energy storage undergoing simultaneous charging and discharging
Improving government schools: What has been tried and what works
Improving quality in minority community educational institutions (Theme paper)
Imran complains of an Indian false flag march, Pakistan responds to the US criticisms on China and CPEC, violence along the Pak-Afghan and Pak-Iran borders, and the Locust threat
Imran, Naya Pakistan and India
In an outpost of the global economy: Work and workers in India's information technology industry
In Bengaluru’s Gated Communities, New Forms of Civil Engagement are Emerging
Inclusive education: A view of higher education in India
Inclusive Manufacturing Forum 2017: Welcome Address
Inclusive Manufacturing Forum 2018 Brochure
Inclusive spaces in integrated river basin management: discerning multiple boundaries of resource relations
Increasing Average period lengths by switching of Robust Chaos Maps in Finite Precision
Independent Energy Regulation in a Developing Economy: Stakeholder Perspectives and Legal Interpretations
India and Australia: The Need for Strategic Cooperation in Underwater Domain Awareness
India and Sri Lanka: Two countries, four vehicles
India and the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space
India-Bangladesh: What if the BNP returns?
India can do Fantastic Things, Says Ramanna - Nuclear Test: Raja Ramanna Criticises West
India, China and Sub-regional Connectivities in South Asia
India First to Look within-Karan
India gets the message all wrong after Myanmar foray
India Goes to School: Education Policy and Cultural Politics
India in the 21st Century - Symposium
India - Japan Emerging Cooperation in Cybersecurity
India-Japan Relations and Maritime Governance in the Indo-Pacific
India-NATO Dialogue : Addressing International Security and Regional Challenges
Indian Bronze: Ecstasy of Classical Art
Indian cognitivism and the phenomenology of conceptualization
Indian Culture
Indian Defence Research and Development (R and D): Transitioning from 'Make in India' to 'Made in India'
Indian Digital Heritage: The Next Steps
Indian Economic Scene
India-Nepal relationship: Towards progressive partnership
Indian high-tin bronzes: A continuing tradition from ancient to modern times
Indian High-Tin Bronzes and the Grecian and Persian World
Indian iron and steel, with special reference to southern India
Indian Logic and philosophy of science: the logic epistemology link
Indian Metallurgical Heritage and Archaeometallurgical approaches
Indian metals heritage and some common damages
Indian Navy’s Submarine Development Programme: A Critical Assessment
Indian Ocean
Indian Philosophy
Indian philosophy and philosophy of science
Indian society through personal writings
Indian Space Programme
Indian Space – Towards A “National Eco-System” For Future Space Activities
Indians Should be United in Facing Sanctions: Ramanna
India-Pak CBMs and cricket: duck,six or somewhere in between?
India polls: Choosing none of the above
India's 100GW of solar by 2022: Pragmatism or Targetitis?
India's 'Atomic' Test
India’s Changing Cityscapes: Work, Migration and Livelihoods (NIAS Research Report No. NIAS/SSc/UMS/U/RR/01/2020)
India's changing role in the post cold war world
India's competitiveness and preparedness in Science and Technology for the coming decades
India's Decision Making on Cross-Border Natural Gas Pipelines (1989-2012)
India's Energy Security Concerns and Decision Making: Case Studies of Cross-Border Natural Gas Pipelines
India’s entry into the NSG: A Long-winded Process
India’s Foreign Policy: Old Problems, New Challenges
India’s green energy goals: Pragmatic way forward
India's innovation challenge for inclusive development. (First Lakshmi Nizamuddin Memorial Lecture) (NIAS Lecture No.L3-2011)
India’s Internal Security: Threat Perception and Way Forward
India's legendary wootz steel: an advanced material of the ancient world
India’s legendary wootz steel: An advanced material of the ancient world
India’s Missile Modernisation and Credible Minimum Deterrence
India's national higher education policy recommendations since independence: An ontological analysis
India’s ‘New Middle Class’ and the Globalising City: Software Professionals in Bangalore, India
India's Nuclear Tests and US Responses: The Perception Gap and its Impact (L3-98)
India's Options on the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (NIAS Report No ISSP 1996-1)
India's pluralist Islam under siege
India's Rare Earths Industry: A Case of Missed Opportunities
India’s Rare Earths Industry: A Case of Missed Opportunities
India’s reform-led growth benefits the poor
India, Sri Lanka and Maldives: Shared Commonality yet Challenges to Sub-regional Cooperation
India’s Road to HEP
India's Space Economy, 2011–12 to 2020–21: Its Size and Structure
India’s Space Industry eco-system – Challenges of innovations and incentives
India's Space Industry Ecosystem: Challenges of Innovations and Incentives
India's Steel Industry - quo vadis (Guest Editorial)
India's sustainable development goals – Glide path for India's power sector
India's tests will be Catalyst for N-arms Elimination, says KRN
India’s trade in services with select FTA and non-FTA partners: An analysis of comparative advantage
India-Taiwan bilateral Seminar on Technology for preservation and restoration of heritage artefacts and architecture design (Book of abstracts)
India-United States cooperation on global security: Summary of a workshop on technical aspects of civilian nuclear materials security
India was Caught Off-guard in Kargil
Indigenous knowledge of healing among the tribes of Nilambur valley: A study of cross cultural landscape across ethnic boundaries
Indirectly Excited Eddy Current Sensor
Indo-Pak Conflicts Ripe to Resolve?
Indo-Pak Dialogue
Indo-US Technology Relations. (NIAS Working Paper No.WP2-2002)
Industrial smoke levels are rising rapidly. Does India have a combat plan?
In Emerging EO Newspace Global Markets - Challenges for Indian Remote Sensing Systems
Inequalities among nations - Union Minister Blames Exploitative Culture
Inequalities in the process of agriculturalists learning non-agricultural skills
Inequality and autonomous adaptation to climate change (NIAS/SSc/IHD/U/WP/20/2021)
Inequality and Farmers Suicides in India (NIAS/SSc/IHD/U/RR/14/2019)
Inequality and Farmers' Suicides in India (NIAS Working Paper WP5-2016)
Inequality and Intervention: Autonomous adaptation to climate change Vol.6 (NIAS/SSc/IHD/U/RR/10/2024)
Inequality and Intervention: Community, Family, and Missing Women Vol.5 (NIAS/SSc/IHD/U/RR/09/2024)
Inequality and Intervention: Executive Summary (NIAS/SSc/IHD/U/RR/11/2024)
Inequality and Intervention: Experience of technology Vol.3 (NIAS/SSc/IHD/U/RR/07/2024)
Inequality and intervention: Instrumentality of aggregation Vol.2 (NIAS/SSc/IHD/U/RR/06/2024)
Inequality and Intervention: The conceptual framework. Vol.1 (NIAS/SSc/IHD/U/RR/05/2024)
Inequality and Intervention: The left behind in migration Vol.4 (NIAS/SSc/IHD/U/RR/08/2024)
Inequality and the Demand for Non-farm Jobs (NIAS/SSc/IHD/U/RR/15/2019)
Infant development in the slender loris (Loris lydekkerianus lydekkerianus)
Influence of Crystallographic Texture on Mechanical Properties in Cold Rolled 7XXX Series Al Alloys Used in Space Applications
Influence of Fruit Availability on Fruit Consumption in a Generalist Primate, the Rhesus Macaque Macaca mulatta
Info-nano-bio technologies, their coming convergence and the implications for security (NIAS Report No. R3-2003)
Informing news: Information revolution and the transformation of news media in Bangalore
Infrastructure and Industrial Development in Northeast India: Exploring the Potential Role of Japan (NIAS Special Publication NIAS/CSS/ISSSP/U/SP/18/2022)
In India, sport is divorced from play
In Memoriam: Roddam Narasimha 1933-2020
Inner mirror: Kannada writings on society and culture
Innovation and Institutional Development for Public Policy: Complexity Theory, Design Thinking and System Dynamics Application
Innovations in agricultural policy (NIAS Books and Special Publications No. SP2-2013)
Innovations in rice production (NIAS Books and Special Publications No. SP1-2013)
Innovations that Shaped Indian Agriculture-then and now
Inscribed Heritage: Selected Letters of Vijayanath Shenoy
In search of a mythical artisan: Tracking the Jakanachari legend of Karnataka
In search of consensus: Examining Global South perspectives on climate security in UNSC debates
Inside China: New Leadership, Social Changes and Economic Challenges
Inside/Outside: Merleau-Ponty/Yoga
Inside the Pakistan Army: Moves on the Chessboard
Insights on the distribution, catch and release and public sentiment towards recreational angling of mahseers—A study of YouTube videos from India
Insinuation of a bilateral free trade agreement between India and Australia: Some evidence from an empirical model
Instabilities in sensory processes
Institute Digitally Preserves Bhagvad Gita - Plans to Popularise Method in India
Institutional Rooftop solar: NIAS Experience with a 100 KWP Solar System (NIAS Special Publication SP8-2017)
Institutions that cannot manage change: A Gandhian perspective on the Cauvery dispute in South India
Insurgencies and ungoverned territories on the India-Myanmar Border: Implications of bilateral relations
Insurgency and development in India's northeast states: A study on Assam
Insurgency and everyday violence in Northeast India: The educational challenge
Insurgency, drugs and small arms in Myanmar
Insurgency versus Democracy: The Violent Clash of Ideas between the Maoists and the Indian State
Integrative management of anaplastic astrocytoma through a combination of Ayurveda and conventional care: A case report
Integrative Medicine & Health Research: Methods, Case Studies and Research Priorities
Intentional communication between wild bonnet macaques and humans
Interaction between Development and Festival Durga, Kali, Bonbibi-Dakhinray in the Sundarbans
Interaction between theory and experiment in the 20th century
Interactions of Consent: Human_Bovine Relations in Tamil Nadu
Interdisciplinary perspectives on consciousness and the self
Interface of Food Science with Food Technology - A Paradigm shift towards a Safe Food
Interlinking of rivers for integrated water resources management
Internal corrosion of pipelines
Internal Security and Public Order: Perspective for the Future
International Code of Conduct for Outer Space Activities - Perspectives for India
International Conference on Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability – CCES-2024: 24-25 January-2024 at Periyar University, Salem, Tamil Nadu, India
International Cooperation in Space Technology: an Abstraction with Fuzzy Logic Analysis
International monitoring of North Korea's 2016 nuclear test
International Politics in India
International Symposium on Science and Beyond Cosmology
International Symposium on Science in Society a New Social Contract
Interplay Between Tidal Range and Dam-Induced Flooding in Sustaining the Islands and Livelihoods in Narmada Estuarine Zone, India
Interpretation of History
Interstate transboundary water sharing in India: Conflict and cooperation
Intervening with Interjections: A Comprehensive Approach to Study Ambiguity in Natural Conversations
Interview with Prof M N Srinivas
In the garden of numbers, I will play
In the Margins of the State. Book Review of Anthropology in the Margins of the State edited by Veena Das and Deborah Poole,Oxford University Press, New Delhi
In the Shadow of the Mall: Street Hawking in Global Calcutta
In Tribute
Intrinsic Property, Quantum Vacuum and Sunyata
Introducing Hampi: Insights from Literary and Historical Sources
Introduction: Perception and acceptance of public risks
Introduction: Reconsidering the Region in India-Mobilities, Actors and Development Politics
Introduction to SIMADology: Polemos in the 21st century collapse
Introduction to the urban ecologies open collection: A call for contributions on methods, ethics, and design in geographical research with urban animals
Investigating early iron finds from Mayiladumparai Tamil Nadu
Investigations into Learning Algorithms in Intelligent Machines
Invisible people: Migrant labourers in the context of Integrated River Basin Management
Inviting Death
Inviting death: Historical experiments on Sepulcharl Hill (Revd edn)
Invoking the True Spirit of Vocational Education
IPL Lessons
Iran and P5+1 Geneva Agreement: A Game Changer?
IraNdu thanthaiyar (NadagangaL) Translated by Srinivasa Ramanujam
Iranian Nuclear Agreement: Understanding the Nonproliferation Paradigm
Iran's safir launch vehicle (NIAS Report R1-2009)
Iron Age Beta (23% tin) Bronze: Peninsular Indian Bowls of Adichanallur, Nilgiris, and Boregaon
Is Agrarian Resilience Limited to Agriculture? Investigating the “Farm” and “Non-Farm” Processes of Agriculture Resilience in the Rural
Is America’s Trump, South Asia’s loss?
Is Backwardness Immune to State Intervention? (NIAS/SSc/IHD/U/WP/16/2023)
ISCG: An Intelligent Sensing and Caption Generation System for Object Detection and Captioning Using Deep Learning.
Is Human–Rhesus Macaque (Macaca mulatta) Conflict in India a Case of Human–Human Conflict?
Is India Concerned About it’s Energy Security?
Is Indian Science Competitive?; Performance Indicators; Institutionalising competitiveness
Is Indian Science Competitive? - Place of creativity and innovations in Science; Culture of Excellence
Is India ready to deal with hybrid war?
IS in South Asia: Blessing in disguise?
Islamabad Rendezvous - Will Clinton be more Expansive on his General Outlook
Is metaphysics political?
Is solar power cheaper than coal?
Issue Brief III: India and China in the Arctic
Issues in Environmental Protection
Is there hope for humanity?
Is ultraviolet Radiation a Confounding Variable for COVID-19 in India?
IT for the Common Man: Lessons from India (Second M N Srinivas Memorial Lecture)(NIAS Lecture No. SP7-2002
It's Official: Govt Relief for Crop-loss is Rs 7
It's Okay: To Reach Out For Help