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Habitat monitoring for TB risk mitigation and an integrated information-based decision-making framework for dense urban settings: An approach
Halagannada Bhashe, Bhasha, Vikas, Bhashabandhavya (Ancient Kannada Language, its Evolution, its Relations with other Languages)
Halagannada lipi, lipikara, lipi vyavasaya (Ancient Kannada script, scribe and cultivation of letters)
Hampi: Splendours of a World Heritage Site (R42-2016)
Harappan continuity of high tin copper in South Asia
Harbingers of rain: Land and life in south India
Harnessing Geospatial Technology for Human Elephant Conflict Hotspots: Insights from e-Parihara data from Karnataka Forest Department.
Harnessing military technology in India - the case for aerospace technologies
Harnessing satellite technology for education development: case studies from India
Hashiya Ke Samudaya aur Nishkrutya School
Has India's response to cross-border migration been effective?
HATF-IX/ NASR - Pakistan's tactical nuclear weapon: implications for Indo-Pak deterrence (NIAS Report No.R17-2013)
Healing Touch 2.0
Health Inequalities: The Indian Context (NIAS Wednesday Discussion Report)
Hearing on Environment Clearance Today
He pushed for N-umbrella and peace
Here, Art Meets Science
Heritage - Simmering Cauldrons
High-Entropy Alloys
Higher Education
Higher Education and University of Governance in India: A case study of two Universities in Karnataka
High-resolution GEOS-Chem model for Indian monsoon region: Seasonal cycle and budget of tropospheric CO2
High-speed B'lore-Mysore rail link Mooted
High-tin bronze bowl making in Kerala, South India, and its archaeological implications
Hill containment of nuclear power plants (NIAS Report No. R13-2012)
Hindustani Classical Music Concert on Violin
Hindustani Classical Music Lecture Demonstration
Hindustani classical vocal recital
Historical Coastal Maps: Importance and Challenges in their use in Studying Coastal Geomorphology
Historical Developments, Influences of International Actors, and Education Reforms in India
Historical Developments, Policy Turns and Emerging Concerns in Vocational and Higher Education in India: Research Highlights (NIAS/SSc/EDU/U/RR/19/2019)
Historical expansion of tea plantations over 150 years (1876–2023) in North Bengal, India
Historical insights into modern corruption: Descriptive moralities and cooperative corruption in an Indian city
Historical Roots of Indian Culture
Historicizing Mobility Trajectories of Highskilled Migrants from Coastal Andhra to the United States
History of Metallurgy in India
Hi-tech digital library Inaugurated
Hizbul Mujahideen ban goes Global, but will it reach the Valley?
Honospherics and Wagner, Cosmic Rays and Coriolanus...: Raja Ramanna now and then
How China’s Options Will Determine GlobalWarming
How Farmers Benefit from Integration of EO, Meteorological, Positioning and Field Data in an Analytics Engine – The AGRI-GIS Example of S Odisha, India
How Many Ramayanas says Ezhuttacchan - a response based on Puranic Exegesis
How Much 'Slow Poison' does your Cauliflower Carry?
How natural are the forests in Rajiv Gandhi (Nagarhole) Tiger Reserve? A multi-source data approach
Human-animal interactions: Camera traps as research agents
Human-Captive elephant relationships in Kerala: Historical perspectives and current scenarios
Human Digitalization and Future Intelligence
Human-Elephant Conflict in Kerala, India: a Rapid Appraisal Using Compensation Records
Humanistic Leadership for India in an AI Driven World: A Unique Programme for Leaders and Decision-Makers. (26-30 August 2024)
Human Reliability in Launch Vehicle Systems
Human Reliability Programs in Industries of National Importance for Safety and Security
Human rights investigation and fact-finding techniques: a training manual
Human Security in South Asia: is the region ready? Can the State Deliver? Essay from India
Human-wildlife Conflict
Hybridisation of geothermal source with ORC-based load loop for uninterrupted generation of steady power
Hydrological maps as a tool for the exploration of historical water systems at Badami, Karnataka, India
Hydropower Projects in Tawang: Concerns and Flood Proximity Estimation Using GIS Analysis
Hypersonic cruise missiles: an overview (NIAS/CSS/ISSSP/U/RR/23/2020)