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Call for Action Plan to Check Violence Against Women
Cancer: Some myths and reality
Can dual-member constituencies be the way forward for women's reservation? (NIAS Report No. R6-2012)
Can energy equality improve India's human development index?
Can India meet its target of 100GW of solar power by 2022?
Can it be boom-time for Indian Aerospace? (NIAS Working Paper No.WP1-2003)
Can the Cultures of India Survive the Information Age?(NIAS Lecture L1 - 99)
Can the tinai help understand the Iron Age Early Historic landscape of Tamilnadu?
Can the tinai help understand the Iron Age Early Historic landscape of Tamilnadu?
Can we reach out to all our children?: delivery of child mental health services in rural and urban areas. (ICAP Presidential Address)
Capitalizing on the Future: Negotiating Planned Urbanization in South India
Captivity-induced behaviour and spatial learning abilities in an enigmatic, aquifer-dwelling blind eel, Rakthamichthys digressus
Capturing Diversity: A Comprehensive Report on Women in Science and Engineering in India (NIAS/SSC/EDU/U/RR/07/2019)
Carving a global icon: The Nataraja bronze and Commaraswamy's legacy
Case for an asset based indicator of vulnerability (NIAS/SSc/IHD/U/PB/23/2022)
Case profiles of gifted children: Identification of gifted children in Maths and Science in the Indian context (3-15 years). (NIAS Report No. R14-2013)
Cash subsidies for food and the fallacy of composition
Caste and Capital
Caste at the City’s Edge: Land Struggles in Peri-urban Bengaluru
Caste, Class and School: Local Education Report Tanjavur, Tamilnadu
Caste in his own mould
Caste: Its Twentieth Century Avatar
Casting Nataraja: Techniques of South Indian bronze casting (NIAS /HUM/HSS/U/RR/072/2019)
Category Theory and the Ontology of Sunyata
Causal discovery using compression-complexity measures
Causality stability and synchronization
Causal stability and synchronization
Ceasefire Meaningful if Followed by Political Initiative: Karan Singh
Cellphones, possible risks: Can it cause brain cancer?
Challenges in Geospatial Documentation of Unprotected Built Heritage Sites in India
Challenges of Nurturing the Gifted and Talented in Developing Countries: Experiences from Rural and Urban India (NIAS/SSc/EDU/U/PR/18/2019)
Challenges to identify and mentor gifted children in developing countries: the Indian experience
Chandravalli – an early historic settlement in Karnataka, India
Chandravalli Inhabitants had Trade Ties with Ancient Rome
Changing Contours of Indo-US Relations (Workshop Report, National Workshop on Indo-US Relations, February 2006)(NIAS Report No. R1-2006).
Changing livelihoods at India’s rural–urban transition
Changing Nature of Deterrence: The Challenge of Asymmetric Threats
Changing Patterns of Work–Life Balance of Women Scientists and Engineers in India
Changing social strategies of wild female bonnet macaques during natural foraging and on provisioning
Changing values in Indian society
Changing with the times of India (Bangalore): Remaking a post-political media field
Chaos is the Disordered Dance of Order
ChaosNet: A Chaos Based Artificial Neural Network Architecture for Classification
Chaos or randomness? Effect of vagus nerve stimulation during sleep on heart-rate variability
Characterizing Biofilms for Biofouling and Microbial Corrosion Control in Cooling Water Systems
Charting a new course for the oceans- Preface to the Special Section on "Sustainable ocean technologies"
Cheap oil, climate change mitigation and India
Childcare in the Indigenous Health Systems in India from the Perspectives of Developmental and Health Psychology
Child Labour: 'Official Figures Unreliable'
Children's Double Burden: Livelihood and Schooling in a Fishing Community (Local Education Report, Chirala, Andhra Pradesh) (NIAS Special Publication No. 8-2002
Children's understanding of scientific concepts
China checks into Africa with "chequebook" diplomacy
China consolidates the rare earth industry and builds strategic reserves
China-Pakistan Economic Cooperation (CPEC) Project: Satellite Imagery Analysis of Port Development at Makran Coast (NIAS/CSS/ISSSP/U/RR/14/2020)
China's anti-ship ballistic missile game changer in the pacific ocean (NIAS Report No. R5-2011)
China’s export restrictions on rare earths
China, South Asia and Nuclear Testing - Reassessing Mutual Concerns
China's space programme: From the era of Mao Zedong to Xi Jinping
Chinese checkers' at the nuclear suppliers group
Chinese monopoly in rare earth elements: Supply-demand and industrial applications
Chinese New Maritime Silk Route Initiative: Opportunity or Threat for India?
Chola and Vijayangara Bronzes: Archaeometallurgical mapping of shifting iconographies
Chronicles of a Global City: Speculative Lives and Unsettled Futures in Bengaluru
Circular male migration, rural-urban linkages and household food security in India
Circular Migration and Localized Urbanization in Rural India
Citranaisadham: The Picturesque Tale of King Nala
City Gets a Medicinal Garden
City Must Show the Way in Religious Tolerance
City of Shadows: Slums and Informal Work in Bangalore
Class divided: Global pressures, domestic pulls and a fractured education policy in India.
Clay mineralogy and provenance modeling of the Paleoproterozoic Kaladgi shales, Dharwar Craton, Southern India: Implications on paleoweathering and source rock compositions
Clearing the Fog on Water Conservation
Climate change and crop yields in the Indian Cardamom Hills, 1978–2007 CE
Climate Change and Energy Options for a Sustainable Future
Climate Change and Indian Monsoon: Implications on water Cycle (NIAS/NSE/EECP/U/PB/04/2023)
Climate change and sustainable food security (NIAS Books and Special Publications No. SP4-2013)
Climate Change Exacerbated Sexual and Gender-Based Violence: Role of the Feminist Foreign Policy
Closure of Schools and Migration of Adolescent Tribal Girls: A Case Study of Surat
Coal can choke your breath or light your house. What will India choose?
Coal Mining and Environment: A Case Study of Dorli Opencast Coal Mines (NIAS/NSE/EEP/U/RR/06/ 2020)
Co-existence of periodic bursts and death of cycles in a population dynamics systems
Cognitive bearing of techno-advances in Kashmiri carpet designing
Cognitive Dimensions of Talim: Evaluating Weaving Notation through Cognitive Dimensions (CDs) Framework
Cognitive Ethology: A Behavioural Lens into the Primate Mind
Cognitive Innovation in Mathematics
Collaborations and partnerships; Transferring technology to society; Industry Science linkages; Transnational collaborations; IT industry and science
Collective movement decision-making in primates in crop-raiding contexts
Colonial anthropology, law, and adivasi struggles: The case of Jharkhand
Commentary: Patanjali and Neuroscientific Research on Meditation
Comment on the article entitled Intrinsic honesty and the prevalence of rule violations across societies by Simon Gächter and Jonathan F. Schulz
Comments on Kumar et al. (2023), Evidence of Strain Accumulation and Coupling Variation in the Himachal Region of NW Himalaya From Short Term Geodetic Measurements. Tectonics https://doi.org/10.1029/2022TC007690
Commercialisation of Space: Opportunities and Challenges
Communalism and History
Communicating Ancient Indian Knowledge System for the Holistic Development of School Students for Their Physical, Mental and Spiritual Well-Being (NIAS Conference Report No. NIAS/NSE/SCO/U/CR/11/2020)
Communication and management of public risks (with specific reference to the COVID-19 global pandemic)
Community Rights in Land in Jharkhand
Comparative demography of two commensal macaques in India: Implications for population status and conservation
Comparative evaluation of circular truncated-cone and paraboloid shapes for thermal energy storage tanks based on thermal stratification performance
Comparison of Stratification Performance in Oil-based Thermal Storage Tank for Different Immersed Discharging Coil Configurations
Compendium of journal publications documenting the research conducted under a Ministry of Earth Sciences Research Grant (NIAS/NSE/EECP/U/RR/12/2024)
Compendium of synopses of the PH.D dissertations completed at NIAS under a ministry of earth sciences research grant (NIAS/NSE/EECP/U/RR/13/2024)
Complex Analysis with Applications to Number Theory
Complex dynamics in simple mechanical systems: Similarities to neuronal bursting.
Complex tool manufacture by a wild bonnet macaque, Macaca radiata
Compression-Complexity Measures for Analysis and Classification of Coronaviruses
Computational study of performance of cascaded multi-layered packed-bed thermal energy storage for high temperature applications
Computers and Computing
Conceptualization of nature: Towards a philosophy of conservation and action from Indian traditional thought
Conceptualizing Integrated Life-Cycle Management for Sustainable and Optimal Utilization of Used Cooking Oil (UCO)
Conceptual Priority of Translation over Language
Conceptual revolution of the 20th century leading to one grand unified concept - The quantum vacuum
Conference on Dimensions of the Classical Kannada Studies and Re-writing of the Early Social History in the Background of the Recent Publication Old Kannada Script, Scribes and Cultivation of Letters (3rd Century B.C. - 1000 A.D.)
Conflict annual 2025: A review of issues in peace and conflict around the world in 2024
Conflict in Jammu and Kashmir (NIAS Backgrounder No. B6-2011)
Conflicts in Assam (NIAS Backgrounder No. B3-2010)
Conflicts in Manipur (NIAS Backgrounder No. B1-2010)
Conflicts in Tripura (NIAS Backgrounder No.B9-2014)
Conjunctions, Transits and Occultations by Siddhantic Procedures
Connecting India: Virtual and Real Linkages between the Telugu Diaspora and their Home Region in Andhra Pradesh (Provincial Globalisation Research Report No.1)
Consciousness and Cognition
Consciousness, Experience and ways of knowing: Perspectives from Science, Philosophy & the Arts (NIAS Books and Special Publications No.SP2-2006)
Consciousness, memory and dreams in Kashyapa Samhita
Conservation is Development in the Forests of Nagarahole Tiger Reserve, India
Conserving the Slender Loris (Loris lydekkerianus lydekkerianus)
Consider the world as a Family: Joshi
Consolidation of laws related to environment protection in surface coal mining in India - Prospects and challenges
Constitutional Ideals and Justice in Plural Societies (NIAS Lecture L10-2016)
Constitution and law
Constitution and the Law
Constructing school knowledge: an ethnography of learning in an Indian village
Contentions over the Mullaperiyar and implications for river basin management
Contesting the secular school: everyday nationalism and negotiations of Muslim childhoods
Contribution of External and Indigenous Technological Elements to India’s Space Capabilities: An Appraisal
Contribution of Infrastructure to Output Growth in India
Controlling offshore knowledge workers: Power and agency in India's software outsourcing industry
Conversion and the Curse of Caste
Cooperation Among States 'Key to Counter Extremism': Indian Scholar - Interview with Anshuman Behera
Co-operation and conflict in Insect Society
Cooperative Federalism and Local Governance in India (NIAS/CSS/CRPR/U/PB/17/2023)
Copper smelting in state can trace its roots to 1 Century BCE
Copper Smelting Slags at Ingaldhal Mines, Karnataka: Early Historic Satavahana Links
Corponormativity and marking apart: The body of people with disabilities as a site of social and psychological discrimination and oppression in India
Correcting Social Disadvantage Book Review: Affirmative Action in the United States and India: A Comparative Perspective by Thomas Weisskopf
(Correspondence) ' Opportunities in FAIR '
Cosmic dance
Cost and environmental benefits of coal-concentrated solar power (CSP) hybridization in India
Costly solution: Careful on flue gas desulphurisers
Counselling Children with Psychological Problems
Countering Terrorism: Building a Common Approach in SAARC
COVID-19 Pandemic in the Indo-Pacific: How the Countries are Dealing Amidst Changing Geopolitics (NIAS/CSS/ISSSP/U/RR/15/2020)
Covid-induced pulmonary fibrosis and the possible linkages with the tuberculosis infection: An observation
Crafting new service workers: skill training, migration and employment in Bengaluru, India
Creating constellations of coexistence through connections between people in human–wildlife conflict areas
Creativity and experience in nonhuman primate communication
Creativity in Indian Science
'Crime against Women Grossly under-reported'
Crimes Against Women - Cops not Taking it Seriously: CoD DG
Crisis in Fundamental Sciences – Physics and Astrophysics-2018
CTET Preparation and Practice: Child Development and Pedagogy (Papers I & II)
Cuborgs are Comming
Cultivated, feral, wild: the urban as an ecological formation
Culture of technology: The Indian Experience (WP5-98)
Culture views nature: Bacon and Samkhya compared
C.V.Sundaram (1929-2008): Obituary
Cyclone in the Sundarbans: Of Relief Work and Resilience