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Macaca munzala: a new species from Western Arunachal Pradesh, Northeastern India
MacaqueNet: Advancing comparative behavioural research through large-scale collaboration
Machine learning algorithm based prediction of land use land cover and land surface temperature changes to characterize the surface urban heat island phenomena over Ahmedabad city, India
Machine learning based quantification of VOC contribution in surface ozone prediction
Mahila Hakkugala Bagge Jagrithi: Swayam Samstegala Kartavya
Make Available and Manage Clean Water and Sanitation
'Make Voting Complusory'
Making news in global India: Media, Publics, Politics
Making Sense of Nepal’s Nationalism: Implications for the India–Nepal Relationship
Making Urban Environments: Infrastructures of Power, Resistance and Negotiation
Male Circular Migration, Rural-Urban and Gender Dynamics, and Food Security in India (MiFOOD Paper No.28)
Male Takeover and Infanticide in Nilgiri Langurs Semnopithecus johnii in the Western Ghats, India
Malls versus streets: North-Eastern women between modernity and marginality
Management of Culture and Managing through Culture in the Indian Software Outsourcing Industry
Management of Indian Ethos
Managing primates in zoos: Lessons from animal behaviour
Managing production-demand mismatch in thermal power plants
Managing risks and opportunities: Assessing the Indo-US deal on civil nuclear cooperation (NIAS Report No. R1-2007)
Mandated Resistance, Embodied Shame: The Material and Affective Contours of a TESOL Method
Manipuris and Sharmila Irom
Manufacturing neo-liberalism: Life styling Indian urbanity
Manufacturing Threat: Reality and Rhetoric of Urban Maoism in India
Man with a great sense of humour
Many dimensions of nuclear energy
Maoist Conflict in India: A Critique of State Response
Maoist conflict in Odisha (NIAS Backgrounder No. B10-2016)
Maoist Insurgency, State and People: Overlooked Issues and Unaddressed Grievances
Maoist mayhem under new leadership
Mapping life-paths of adivasi youth: institutions and communities
Mapping migration within and from India: Mobilities and networks
Mapping the life trajectories of women scientists in India: successes and struggles
Marginalised Communities and Dysfunctional Schools: Local Education Report Khategaon, Madhya Pradesh
Mario Rutten (1958-2015)- Obituaries
Maritime Component of China–Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC): India–China Competition in the Arabian Sea
Mass Education-led Growth and Non-agrarian Villages: Long-term Results of the Kerala Model
Materials and Failures in MEMS and NEMS
Materials and Society
Materials R&D for a timely DEMO: Key findings and recommendationsof the EU Roadmap Materials Assessment Group
Mates mourn loss of a great mind
Math Curricular Framework for the Education of the Gifted and Talented (NIAS/SSc/ED/U/RR/22/2020)
Mathematics and cognition
Mathematics, Language and Translation
Mathematics, nature and cryptography:Insights from philosophy of information
Matrilineal practices among muslims: An ethnographic study of the Minangkabau of West Sumatra
Matriliny, Merchandise and Islam: A Study of the Keyis in the Coastal Belt of Tellicherry, North Malabar
Mean Planetary Positions According to Grahalaghavam
Measurements of surface ozone and its precursors in different microenvironments of coastal Indian metropolis of Mumbai
Measuring Access, Quality and Relevance in Higher Education
Measuring Complexity of Chaotic Systems with Cybernetics Applications
Measuring consciousness in the clinic
Measuring HDI – The Old, the New and the Elegant: Implications for multidimensional development and social inclusiveness
Media and Women
Mediatised Terror: Terror in the Age of Media Explosion
Meditation as a Preventive Sleep Medicine
Meditation research: Issues and limitations
Meditative introspection promotes the First-person’s science of consciousness via intuitive pathways: A hypothesis based on traditional Buddhist and contemporary Monist frameworks
Meet on role of science in society begins today
Meet on Women's Rights held in City
Meet this Part Man, Part Machine
Megalithic and continuing peninsular high-tin binary bronzes: Possible roots in Harappan binary bronze usage?
Megalithic and surviving binary high-tin bronze traditions in southern India: Tracing binary bronze usage to Harappan times
Megalithic high-tin bronzes and India's living prehistory
Megalithic high-tin bronzes: Ethnoarchaeological and archaeometallurgical insights on manufacture and possible artistic and musical significance
Megalithic Period in North Maidan, Karnataka
Megaliths: New perspectives for future studies
Megaliths of Pattadakal
Mendacity in Our Midst: Treatments in Ramanujan, Max Muller and in Ancient Indian Behaviour Codes
Mendacity in our midst: Treatments in Ramanujan, Max Muller and in ancient Indian behaviour codes. (NIAS Working Paper No.WP2-2003)
Menstrual Experience of Transmen: A Study of Trauma, Taboo and Concealment
Mental Health
Mental Health and Human Management
Mental health, economic well-being and health care access amid the COVID-19 pandemic: a mixed methods study among urban men who have sex with men in India
Mental Health in Indian Schools
Mental Health of Indian Children
Mentoring Beyond AI: Forging Pioneers for a Dawning Era of Artificial Intelligence, the Metaverse and Space
Metal Craft Heritage of Cauvery and Riverine Regions (NIAS/HUM/HSS/U/RR/02/2020)
Metallurgy and mankind in Southeast Asia's past
Metallurgy of zinc, high-tin bronze and gold in Indian antiquity: Methodological aspects
Metal Mirror Marvel From Aranmula, Kerala:A Rare Specular Delta Bronze Craft
Metals and Civilizations: Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on the Beginnings of the use of Metals and Alloys (BUMA VII)(NIAS Special Publication No. SP7-2015)
Metalworking Traditions of Kammalar and Vishwakarma of Southern India (Virtual Book Reading and Lecture)
M.G.K.Menon (1928-2016)
Microbial Communication: Mathematical Modeling, Synthetic Biology and the Role of Noise
Micro Foundations of Public Policy: Some Thoughts Inspired by Contributions of M. N. Srinivas (NIAS Lecture L9-2016)
Middling migration: Contradictory mobility experiences of Indian youth in London
Midnight's children?: Solitary primates and gregarious chiropterans
Migrants’ livelihoods during the pandemic: Challenges and opportunities
Migration, Food Security and Development: Insights from Rural India
Migration, Skilling, and Employment in Bengaluru’s New Service Economy
Migration, transnational flows and development in India: A regional perspective
Militant Groups in South Asia
Millennial male elephants of the eastern ghats
Mineral chemistry of Mahadevpur H4/5 chondrite: characterization of nanodiamonds through micro-Raman spectroscopic studies
Minerals and metals heritage of India (NIAS Backgrounder No. B8-2013)
Minerals and metals heritiage of India
Miniaturized Testing of Engineering Materials
Mirrors: Metal mirrors from India
Missing Boundaries: Refugees, Migrants, Stateless and Internally Displaced Persons in South Asia
Mission Statement of the National Institute of Advanced Studies
Mixed Fortunes: Ancient Expansion and Recent Decline in Population Size of a Subtropical Montane Primate, the Arunachal Macaque Macaca munzala
M.N.Srinivas: a personal note
M N Srinivas is dead
M.N.Srinivas: the man and his work
M.N.Srinivas: the quintessential Bangalorean
Mobile Phones and Changing Media Consumption Practices in Bangalore
Mobility and the Region: Pathways of Travel within and beyond Central Gujarat
Modala Sahasramanada Kannada Sasanagalu (Kannada Inscriptions of the first millennium)
Modelling of open thermochemical energy storage system for space heating using reduced order model (Paper ID: ENE-17)
Modelling the effects of chorus species composition and caller density on acoustic masking interference in multispecies choruses of crickets and katydids
Model simulation of carbonaceous fine particulate matter using SAFAR emission inventory and comparison with EDGAR-HTAP simulations
Modifying some foliated dynamical systems to guide their trajectories to specified sub-manifolds
Modi's Nepal visit shouldn’t take the beaten track
Modi’s new symphony: The Indian premier’s charm offensive is backed by solid diplomatic homework
Moksha: A critique. (NIAS Lecture No.L2-2002)
Moksha and martyrdom: reflections on Ramana Maharshi and Mahatma Gandhi by Ramachandra Gandhi
Molecular modelling reveals how abundance of α4 sub-type in synaptic GABARA receptor can lead to refractoriness toward GABA and BZ-type drugs
Money to India: Transfer Channels for Remittances in the Guntur Region, Andhra Pradesh (Provincial Globalisation Research Report No.2)
Monitoring Uranium Mining and Milling using Commercial Observation Satellites
Monkey on a hot tin roof :Ecological and behavioural Adaptations of Lion-Tailed Macaques to a rainforest-Anthropogenic habitat matrix in the Western Ghats mountains of Southern India
Moon Missions:The Way Ahead (NIAS/CSS/ISSSP/U/RR/10/2023)
Moving bus movies
Mukundamala of Kulashekhara Alwar
Multi-Billion Dollar Projects to find answers to some Fundamental Questions in Physics and Astronomy
Multilingualism in Children: A marvel or a miracle and yet a mystery
Multi-party Consultation on 'Facilitating Women's Participation in Governance' - 'Men being Efficient is a Male Created Myth'
Multiple pressures on India on climate change
Multiplexing of discrete chaotic signals in presence of noise
Munzalas in the mist: The discovery of the Arunachal macaque
Muslim Childhoods Amidst Discourses on Nationalism in India (TH-72)
Mustang, mystique of a mountain kingdom
Myanmar Undergoing an Exciting Phase: An Indian Traveller's Impression
My Films Demolish Logic: Hussain
My life and my work.
Myriad Ways in Which Things Could Have Gone Wrong but Did Not
Myth and the creative process: A view of creativity in the light of three Indian myths(NIAS Lecture L1 - 2004)
Myth has its own Logic, says Expert