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Early Buddhist Artisans and their Architectural Vocabulary
Early Finds of Forged Bronze and High-tin Bronze from Tamil Nadu and India
Early Historic Culture at Vadgaon-Madhavapur, (c.300 BC-c.300 AD): An Archaeo-material Perspective
Early Historic Culture in Western and Southern Karnataka with special reference to socio-economic dynamics - (c.300 BC-c.300 AD)
Early Historic Material Culture in Karnataka with Particular Reference to Banavasi, North Kanara, India
Early Indian artists
Earth and Human Systems: Understanding the Interaction (Report on the NIAS-MOES Workshop held at NIAS on 14 August 2018)
Earthquakes of the Indian subcontinent: Seismotectonic perspectives
Ecological crisis and agrarian distress in Bidar(NIAS Report No. R6 - 99)
Ecology, behaviour and evolution of a threatened, endemic bird, the White-bellied Shortwing Brachypteryx major, in the western ghats mountains, Southern India
Economic, Environmental, and Climate Impacts of FGDs in Thermal Power Plants in India (NIAS/NSE/EECP/U/RR/15/2024)
Economics and the Developing World
Eco Report on Mysore Expressway Challenged
Ecosystem-based approaches to develop a monitoring framework for restoring the transitional lagoon ecosystem of Pulicat, India
Editorial: The varieties of contemplative experiences and practices
Educated, and yet Dying Dowry Deaths
Educating Youth: Regulation through Psychosocial Skilling in India
Education Department told to Respond to Task Force Report
Education for Confidence: Political Education for Recasting Bahujan Student Selves
Education for Sustainability: A Study of Curriculum, Teachers' and Students' Understanding (NIAS Report No. NIAS/SSc/EDU/U/RR/21/2020)
Education for sustainability: curriculum provisions and teaching–learning in India
Education in Times of COVID: Re-Centering Our Public Schools
Education, Migration and Human Development: Kerala Experience
Education- The Growing Number of New Generation Illiterate Children in the Bangalore Slums, Who Are Neither in School Nor in Wage Labour, Indicates a Range of Problems Wrought in Our Education System, Writes Sarita Tukaram
Effect of charge on the dynamics of an acoustically forced bubble
Effect of heavy metal and nutrient uptake by soils in Indian cardamom hills
Effect of melt temperature on microstructural and strength properties of in-situ aluminum metal matrix composites containing SiCNO particles
Effect of varying extent of PCM capsule filling on thermal stratification performance of a storage tank
Efficiency and Welfare: The Tightrope Walk in Karnataka’s Power Sector
Efficient Donors, Meritorious Receivers: Professionalizing transnational philanthropy in coastal Andhra
Eka adwitiya: Evolution of unimale social organisation in bonnet macaques
Ekalavya and the Possibility of Learning
Ek Hathiya Dewal: A Rock-Cut Nagara Temple at Thal, Uttarakhand
Elasticity of Substitution & Returns to Scale in Indian Chemical Industry
Electricity (Amendment) Bill, 2020: Inviting a Bigger Crisis
Elements of Mathematics
Elements of Shiva’s dance: Fingerprinting of Chola bronzes and the rietberg Nataraja
Elephant in the Room – II: Glimpses from the past
Elephant in The Room - III
Elephants in a teacup: Ranging and Habitat-use of Asian elephants Elephas maximus in a Plantation Dominated Landscape in Southern Western Ghats, India
Elephants on the Move: Implications for Human–Elephant Interactions
Elephant Task Force report: 10 years of a progressive policy that nobody talks about now
Elephant training in India
Elephant Whisperer Interview with Sreedhar Vijayakrishnan
ELRTS Feasibility Study by February
Emergence of Urban Settlements in North Karnataka - c.300 BC-c.300 AD with Particular Reference to Sannati
Emergent non-agrarian livelihoods and resource linkages in the agroecosystems of a river basin: A case study of Chalakudy river basin, Kerala
Emerging directions in global education
Emerging Directions in Global Education-A Meeting Report
Emerging energy insecurity— the Indian dimension
Emerging India: Strategic challenges and opportunities.(NIAS Lecture No. L1-2011)
Emerging Solar Technologies: Perovskite Solar Cell
Emerging space technologies—Their impact on national security
Emotional problems amongst youth
Employment, exclusion and ‘merit’ in the Indian IT industry
Employment, Exclusion and 'Merit' in the Indian IT Industry
Encyclopedia of Classical Indian Sciences
Endangered Half
Energizing Sustainable Development
Energy Conservation Day: Symbolism doesn’t pay
Energy in the development strategy of Indian households: the missing half
Energy requirements for sustainable human development
Engagements in Higher Education Seminar Reports (NIAS Report No. R27-2014)
Engaging Post-LTTE Sri Lanka: India’s Policy Options
Engendered Primatology: of Female Primates and Feminist Primatologists
En-gendering human-wildlife interactions in Northeast India: Towards decolonised conservation
Engendering Political Labour: Findings from a Kerala Village
Engineering equality? Education and im/mobility in coastal Andhra Pradesh, India
Engineering Mobility? The ‘IT Craze’, Transnational Migration and the Commercialisation of Education in Coastal Andhra, Provincial Globalisation (Working Paper No.7)
Enhancing choices through collective capability: A study of invisible home-based cashew processors in Kerala, India
Enhancing domestic coking coal availability to reduce the import of coking coal (NIAS/NSE/EECP/U/RR/01/2024)
Enhancing inclusiveness and sustainability: impact of accessibility and affordability on public transportation in an Indian megacity
Environmental decision making: The role of culture-induced divergence in cognition
Environmental Impacts of Intensive Cardamom (Small) Cultivation in Indian Cardamom Hills: The Need for Sustainable and Efficient Practices
Environment and biodiversity conservation
Epicentres of missing daughters: Geo-spatial dimensions of the child sex ratio in India
Epigraphical literature of the time of Chalukyas of Badami
Equal democracy electoral system needs a change
Equity assessment of global mitigation pathways in the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report
Equity in Global Climate Policy and Implications for India’s Energy Future
Equity in Long-Term Mitigation
Ernst Mayr’s interactions with J. B. S. Haldane
Estimating NOX, VOC, and CO variability over India’s 1st smart city: Bhubaneswar
Estimating the dimension of a manifold and finding local charts on it by using nonlinear single value decomposition
Estimating Uranium Mill Capacity Using Satellite Pictures (NIAS Report No. R35-2015)
Ethics in democratic society. [AP 057]
Ethnographies of the Global Information Economy: Research Strategies and Methods
Ethos, Pathos, Logos: Affective and Emotive Ethnographies of Human–Macaque Lifeworlds
Evaluating the Changes in Water Resources due to the Impact of Man-Made Modifications for the Varahi River Basin, Karnataka
Evaluating the Determinants of Mode Choice Using Statistical and Machine Learning Techniques in the Indian Megacity of Bengaluru
Evaluating the hydrological response to land cover change: Dasanakatte catchment of Varahi river, Western Ghats, Karnataka
Evaluation of census techniques to estimate the density of slender Loris (Loris lydekkerianus) in Southern India
Evaluation of Energy Transition Readiness in the Residential Cooking Sector among the Low and Medium-Income Households in Bengaluru
Evaluation of the impact of processes in the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme in Karnataka: A study conducted for the Planning, Programme Monitoring and Statistics Department, Government of Karnataka (NIAS Report No. R1-2011)
Evaluation of the Processes in the Implementation of Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission in Karanataka
Evaporation residue excitation function and spin distribution for 31P + 170Er
Everyday State and Politics in India: Government in the Backyard in Kalahandi
Everyday Violence, Schooling and Mediating Institutions in Northeast India
Everyday violence, schooling and mediating instructions in Northeast India
Evolutionary Molecular Biology
Evolution of crystallographic texture in cold rolled Al-Zn-Mg alloys used in space applications
Evolution of India's nuclear policies in the context of changing security perceptions. (Second Annual Dr. Raja Ramanna Memorial Lecture). (NIAS Lecture No.L4-2007)
Evolution of India's Nuclear Policy
Evolution of novel activation functions in neural network training of astronomy data: habitability classification of exoplanets
Evolution of Smart Weapons (NIAS/CSS/ISSSP/U/RP/69/2019)
Evolution of solid propellant rockets in India
Evolving Cultures in North-Eastern States
Exams: Fearsome Tool of Exclusion
Excellence in Leadership. (NIAS Lecture No.L1-2008)
Excellence in Public Administration. (NIAS Lecture No.L5-2007)
Executive functions as a path to understanding nonhuman consciousness: Looking under the light
Expand Cross-Loc Interaction
Experientially acquired knowledge of the self in a non-human primate
Experimental investigation of heat dispatch controllability through simultaneous charging-discharging and stand alone- discharging opeations in vertical cylindrical heat storage tank
Experimental Investigation of Stratified Sensible Thermal Energy Storage Using Silicone Oil
Experimenting with bones: Preliminary research on bone tool making techniques
Experiments (of the mind) in Chilly Laboratories
Experts for Disaster Policy; Home Minister Takes Cue
Explaining Consciousness - Pointers from Philosophy of Mathematics (WP2-98)
Explaining the obvious: the place of mathematics in the sciences
Exploring Philosophical Foundations of Peace
Exploring teh forest and mapping its archaeology: Bandhavgarh National Park and Tiger Reserve, India
Exploring the forest and mapping its archaeology: Bandhavgarh National Park and Tiger Reserve, India
Exploring urban water-energy nexus: A case study of thermal power plants in Raichur and Ballari districts in Karnataka
Expressway Project Still to Cross Some Hurdles
Expressway unlikely to recover costs on toll revenue
Extension of Laguerre polynomials with negative arguments II
Extensive air showers