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Aakaasharaya: Roddam Narasimha in conversation
Abe’s Indo-Pacific Maritime Security Initiative
About the NIAS Emblem
Access to transition-related health care among transmasculine people in India: A mixed-methods investigation
Acquisition of familiarity-dependent preference for heterospecifics in climbing perch (Anabas testudineus) - Abstract
Actors, Acting and Action. (Second Annual Mohandas Moses Memorial Lecture) (NIAS Lecture No.L3-2007)
Adapted self in the context of disability: An ecological, embodied perspective
Additive Manufacturing in Aerospace and Defence Sector: Strategy of India
Addressing resilience to cyclones - a perspective
Address people 'right'ly
Adivasi Rights and Wildlife Conservation: Contesting Citizenship in Nagarahole Tiger Reserve
Adivasi (Tea Tribe) worldviews of living close to wild Asian elephants in Assam, India
Adiyan of Wayanad District of Kerala: An Ethnographic Portrait of a Lesser-Known Tribe
Administrative and Social History of Mysore under Wodeyars 1600-1800 CE
Advanced Coal Technologies for Power Generation in India(NIAS Report No. R8 - 99)
Advanced techniques in environmental monitoring (NIAS Report R39-2016)
Advance Indian Standard Time by half an hour
Advancing Archaeological and Geomorphological understanding of the Indian Coast using Old Cartographic and Visual Records
Advancing India's relationship with Japan and South Korea: Quest for Middle-Power Cooperation
Advocating for women’s effective political participation(NIAS Report No. R2-1999)
Aerospace technologies: Past, present and future
Aesthetics and the foundations of science: Insights from Indian metallurgical traditions
Affordable and sustainable transportation: Key drivers and policy choices for a megacity in India
Aftermath of the North Korean Nuclear Test
After the lockdown is lifted
Afterword: Middle Class Activism and Bangalore's Environmental Predicament
Against phenomenal bonding
Age-Based Stratification to Estimate Aboveground Biomass (AGB) and Carbon Stocks of Rubber Plantations in Tripura
Age, Family Type and Domestic Conflict in Bangalore (NIAS Report No. R21-2014)
Aging and cardiovascular complexity: effect of the length of RR tachograms
Agrarian and Rural Studies: Trends, Texts, Pedagogies and Collaborations: (Report of the Conference–Cum-Consultation 19th and 20th October, 2010)
Agrarian distress in Bidar. (NIAS Report No: R5-1999)
Agriculture and Food
AI,Consciousness and The New Humanism: Fundamental Reflections on Minds and Machines
Aided Programmes or Guided Policies?: DPEP in Karnataka
Air quality and health co-benefits of climate change mitigation and adaptation actions by 2030: an interdisciplinary modeling study in Ahmedabad, India
Air quality and public health: a case study in Bengaluru
Air Quality Forecasting and Resource Framework (NIAS/NSE/EECP/U/PB/22/2023)
Air quality in Bengaluru improves significantly post the lockdown
Air Quality, National Standards and Human Health in India (NIAS Policy Brief No. NIAS/NSE/EEC/U/PB/25/2021)
Aksharameru's Kaliyuga Viparitan: Earliest Tripadi Poetry in Indian Literature (c. 740 AD)
Algorithms or Axioms ?, A View of Indic Mathematics (Fifteen Raja Ramanna Memorial Lecture, 8 January 2020)
Alienation of Indian Youth
All-Male Groups in Asian Elephants: A Novel, Adaptive Social Strategy in Increasingly Anthropogenic Landscapes of Southern India
All pain and no gain: Factors impacting local and regional sustainability due to COVID-19 pandemic with respect to the Indian marine fisheries
All states stand to save electricity were Indian Standard Time to be advanced
Alma mater pays homage to Raja Ramanna
Altruism and Dana: impact on self and well-being
Altruism, renouncing the renunciant: A discussion on desire and selflessness
Amaravati and the New Andhra: Reterritorialization of a Region
Ambient air quality around coal mines and thermal power plants in India (NIAS/NSE/EEP/U/RR/16/2019)
Analysing topographical transformation of Bombay Islands and Bombay Fort using geospatial analysis and historical records
Analysis of logistic map based neurons in neurochaos learning architectures for data classification
Analysis of North Korea’s February 2016 Successful Space Launch (ISSSP Report No.2 /2016)
Ancient geographical gaps and paleo-climate shape the Phylogeography of an endemic bird in the sky islands of Southern India
Ancient Indian Knowledge Systems for Holistics Development of Youth (NIAS/NSE/U/SP/05/2021)
Ancient Indian Metallurgy
Ancient iron Smelting in Nathara-Ki-Pal, Southeast Rajasthan
Ancient Nilgiri Metallurgy
Ancient Valabhi: A Remote Sensing Perspective
Animating the Urban: an Ethological and Geographical Conversation
Anisotropy in Residual Stress Measurements in Aluminum Alloys Used in the Aerospace Industry
Annular vertical cylindrical thermochemical storage system with innovative flow arrangements for improved heat dispatch towards space heating requirements
Another way to live: A psychiatrist among Indian ascetics
Antastina anveshane : Karnataka Grameena Mahileyara Adhyanada Sankshipta Varadi (in Kannada, Abridged)
Anthropogenic trace gases and their linkages to meteorology and climate change
Anthropology of the Education Bureaucracy
Anticipating Future Capital: Regional Caste Contestations, Speculation and Silent Dispossession in Andhra Pradesh
Anytime, Anywhere library at IISc
Application of Geospatial Techniques and the MCDM Method to Optimize Interlinking of Rivers in India
Application of Multi Objective Genetic Algorithm for Optimization of Core Configuration Design of a Fast Breeder Reactor
Application of topology in inverse problems: Getting equations from ECG and sound data
Application of Vegetation Index to Assess the Sustainability of Coal Mines in India
Application of Vegetation Index to Assess the Sustainability of Coal Mines in India
Applications of Geospatial Technology in the Management of Cultural Heritage Sites – Potentials and Challenges for the Indian region
Applications of nonlinear dynamics and chaos theory to signal and image processing
Applying Mathematics: The Paradoxical Relation between Mathematics, Language and Reality
Appreciation of Cinema
Appreciation of Literature
Appreciation of Music
Appreciation of Music - Lecture Demonstration
Appreciation of Performing Arts
Appreciation of the Art of Painting
An approach towards comprehensive Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) for surface transport automotive fuels
Archaeological Exploration in Srirangapatna and its Environ through Remote Sensing Analysis
Archaeological Heritage in Karnataka with Particular Reference to Geographical Setting
Archaeological landscape of Thotlakonda and Bavikonda near Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh: insights from remote sensing and GIS analysis
Archaeological Remains at Nalanda: A Spatial Comparison of Nineteenth Century Observations and the Protected World Heritage Site
Archaeological remains in and around Avati hill
Archaeological sites near Chennai being destroyed
Archaeometallurgy in the Telangana region: A GIS Approach
Architect of India's first nuclear blast no more
Arctic oil leak 2020: Not a recent phenomenon-reveals satellite imagery
Arctic: why India should pursue the North Pole from a science and technology perspective?
Area-specific Use of Science and Technology Stressed
Are the Indian Fishermen 'Carefully Careless'?: Fishing Conflicts in the Palk Bay (NIAS Wednesday Discussion Report)
Are we even ready to talk about superstition?
Arithmetic coding as a non-linear dynamical system
Armed conflict in Manipur: The case of UNLF
Armed Conflict, Peace Audit and Early Warning 2014: Stability and Instability in South Asia
Armed conflicts and peace processes in South Asia 2006
Armed Conflicts in South Asia 2008: Growing Violence
Armed Conflicts In South Asia 2009: Continuing Violance, Faling Peace Processes
Armed Conflicts in South Asia 2010: Growing Left-Wing Extremism and Religious Violence
Armed Conflicts in South Asia 2012: Uneasy Stasis and Fragile Peace
Armed Conflicts in South Asia 2013: Transitions
Arms politics and the Asian balance of power
Art and Science of Chola Bronzes
Art and Science of Managing Public Risks
Art at Sannati-An Early Historic Buddhist Settlement in North Karnataka, India
Art Education: How a Biennial Exhibition can Impact Art Schools
Articulations - Space for Everyone
Articulation work: Value chains of land assembly and real estate development on a peri-urban frontier
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and India: Promise, Perception and Preparedness (NIAS Research Report No. NIAS/NSE/U/RR/070/2019)
Arts and crafts as an aspect of the Mauritian cultural identity with special reference to Indo-Mauritians
Art & Technology: Indian Digital Heritage
Arunachal macaque Macaca munzala
ASEAN and India–ASEAN Relations: Navigating Shifting Geopolitics
Ashram Schools: Challenges and Future Directions (NIAS/SSc/EDU/U/PB/24/2020)
Asian regionalism from south to east: Could India and Japan build the bridge?
Asia-Pacific Power Dynamics: Strategic Implications and Options for India (Seminar Report) (NIAS Report No. R26-2014)
Asia-Pacific Power Dynamics: Strategic Implications and Options for India (Workshop Report) (NIAS Report No. R25-2014)
Aspirational Labour and Self-Making: A Study of Retail Workers in Delhi Malls
Aspirations, Social Capital and Vocational Career Choice
Assaying the eight metals of antiquity: Archaeometallurgical perspectives on Indian heritage
Assembling Amaravati: speculative accumulation in a new Indian city
Assertion, Negotiation and Subjugation of Identity: Understanding the Tamil-Malayali Conflict in Munnar
Assessing effect of wet and dry year data on optimal model parameters of a conceptual rainfall-runoff model
Assessing End-of-Life Room Air Conditioner Recycling Potential for Sustainable Resource Utilization in India: A Case Study for Reducing Environmental Burden
Assessing equity in public transportation in an Indian city
Assessing Landslide-Driven Deforestation and Its Ecological Impact in the Western Ghats: A Multi-Source Data Approach
Assessing the Indo-US deal on civil nuclear cooperation: Forging a new partnership (NIAS Report No.R2-2006)
Assessment and Quantification of Methane Emission from Indian Livestock and Manure Management
Assessment of Air Power in India and China (Report No: NIAS/CSS/ISSSP/U/RR/067/2019)
An assessment of ballistic missile production capacity in Pakistan (NIAS Report No. R2-2007)
An assessment of China's ballistic and cruise missile programme (NIAS Report No. R4-2007)
Assessment of hazardous radionuclide emission due to fly ash from fossil fuel combustion in industrial activities in India and its impact on public
An assessment of Pakistan's Babur HAFT 7 cruise missile (NIAS Report No. R5-2007)
Assessment of Socio-technical Constraints of Marine Fishers in the Utilisation of Marine Fishery Advisories in Southern Odisha, India
Assessment of Space Programs and Policies for Regional Cooperation in the Asia Pacific Region
An Assessment of the Summer Research Fellowship Programme of the National Academies of Sciences (1995-2016)
Atomic energy in India: 50 years
Attitudes towards primates and primate conservation in Manipur, northeastern India
Autonomous Weapon System: Debating Legal–Ethical Consideration and Meaningful Human Control Challenges in the Military Environment
Axiomatism and Computational Positivism: Two Mathematical Cultures in Pursuit of Exact Sciences
A Balanced scorecard to enable electricity distribution sector reforms in India
A beautiful mind: Attribution and intentionality in wild bonnet macaques
A Biographical Documentary on Prof B V Sreekantan
A Biomass Option for Enhancing Energy Security (R4-1999)
A blend of art and adventure
A brief note on the History of the National Institute of Advanced Studies
A Chamarajanagar Higher Primary School in Decline
A clean energy transition plan for India
A Cognitive Analysis of the Compound Verb in Hindi
A Comparative Approach to Understand the Current Ethno-techniques of Ironsmiths of South and Western India: Case Study of Karnataka and Gujarat
A comprehensive high‑resolution gridded emission inventory of anthropogenic sources of air pollutants in Indian megacity Kolkata
A computational procedure to generate difference equations from differential equations
A critical Assessment of Gifted Education in India
A Cyborg's Dream of a Chip in the Right Place
A discussion on the philosophy of Sri Narayana Guru in the context of consciousness studies
A Draft E-Commerce Bill (SP1-00)
An Earthy Tree and a Heavenly Fruit
An Elephantine Conundrum
An Ethnography of Drought
An Experimental Study of Iron-Smelting Techniques Used in the Nathara-Ki-Pal and Iswal, India: Results for the Reconstruction of Ancient Metallurgical Processes
An eyewash or a turning point?
A first-person approach to aesthetic emotions in Natyasastra
A fortress in the wilderness
A Framework for India's Water Policy. (NIAS Report No. R4-2009)
A geospatial study of the layout and extent of the eighteenth-century walled city of Hyderabad
A god becomes a pest? Human-rhesus macaque interactions in Himachal Pradesh, northern India
A GPU based virtual screening tool using SOM
A heuristic model linking yoga philosophy and self-reflection to examine underlying mechanisms of add-on yoga treatment in schizophrenia
A historian among anthropologists: Commenting on 'Politics of Archiving'
A Hyperbola Framework for Scalar Diffraction Theory with Applications
An Indo-US programme on electric power technology assessment(NIAS Report No. R4 - 00)
An inquiry into the concepts of quantum vacuum in modern Physics and Akasha in Advaita vedanta
An Integrated Framework for Energy-Economy-Emissions Modeling: A Case Study of India
An Integrated Modeling Framework for Energy Economy and Emissions Modeling: A Case for India
An introduction to Trignometry (A new outlook)
An introductory reading on giftedness in children: A report prepared as part of the NIAS Gifted Education Project (NIAS Report No. R15-2013)
An Introductory Reading on Giftedness in Children (NIAS Report No. R15-2013)
A Jolt to National Energy Security
A landscape analysis of fortification in Tamil Nadu using satellite images
A MANUSH or HUMANS Characterisation of the Human Development Index
A mathematical analysis and updating of eclipse procedure in Indian astronomical texts
A Mathematical Route to Consciousness
A Methodological Framework for Strategic Electricity Generation Planning in India: Assessing Resource Adequacy through Probability Risk Metrics
A Method to Enhance Noise Reduction for Data Generated from a Known Differential Equation
A Multidimensional Approach to Sustainable Rural Development
A Multidisciplinary Framework for Sustainable Water Resources Management-A Case Study of the Almatti-Pennar ILR Scheme
A Never-Ending Quest: Shadakshari Settar (1935–2020)
A new complexity measure for time series analysis and classification
A New Lexicon of Science Diplomacy
A New Nepal and Changing Threat Perception for India
A New scenario framework for equitable and climate-compatible futures
A new thermodynamic parameter GCE for identification of glass forming compositions
A New Transnational Capitalist Class?: Capital Flows, Business Networks and Entrepreneurs in the Indian Software Industry
A nonlinear generalization of singular value decomposition and its application to mathematical modeling and chaotic cryptoanalysis
A note on enrichment for captive lion-tailed macaques (Macaca silenus)
A Note on the Inflationary Potential of Cash Transfers (NIAS Report No. R2-2011)
A Novel Backdoor Detection Approach Using Entropy-Based Measures
A novel chaos theory inspired neuronal architecture
A Novel Perturbation Based Compression Complexity Measure for Networks
An obituary of caste as a system
A psychosocial study of creativity among Indian scientists
A Qualitative Approach to the Psychology of Three Self-conscious Emotions from Sanskrit Poetics
A Reality Check
A Remark on a theory of A.E. Ingham
A Report on Development of Traits in Gifted Children (NIAS Report R61-2018)
A requiem for Ramanna: all in all
A Review of Challenges in Developing a National Program for Gifted Children in India's Diverse Context
A Review of Human Reliability Programs for Nuclear Security
A scholar remembered: M.N.Srinivas,1916-1999
A Secondary Informal Circuit of Globalisation of Production: Home-based Cashew Workers in Kerala, India
A Semiotic Interpretation of Indian Logic
A Slice of Gandhara in Kanaganahalli
A ‘South within the South’: writing from more-than-human entanglements in Guwahati, India
A Strategy for Migrant Workers (NIAS/SSc/IHD/U/PB/10 /2020)
A Study of Art and Architecture of Avudayar Kovil Temple of Pudukkottai District, Tamil Nadu
A study of subjectivity and selfhood in the context of subjects with physical disabilities: A theoretical approach
A Study on Illegal Immigration into North-East India: The Case of Nagaland
A study on the formation of crystalline phases during solidification and crystallisation in the bulk metallic glass of Zr53Cu21Al10Ni8Ti8 composition
A Study on the Metaphysics of Conscious Experience
A Technical Assessment of the Use of Current Geospatial Technologies to derive Marine Fishery Advisories in India and the Way Forward
A Technological Enquiry into Inequality: A Conceptual Review (NIAS/SSc/IHD/U/WP/11/2021)
A towering personality
An uncommon performing monkey: Behavioural flexibility and social diversity in the Northern Bonnet Macaque Macaca Radiata Radiata
A Unique Bimetallic Antiquity from the Early Historic site of Iswal, Rajasthan, India
A unique Sun-Facing Rock-Cut Feature at Badami, Karnataka, India
A wild boar hunting: Predation on a bonnet macaque by a wild boar in the Bandipur National Park, southern India
A world survey of husbandry practices for Lion-tailed macaques Macaca silenus in captivity