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Upadhya, Carol (2024) Book review: Douglas E. Haynes, The Emergence of Brand-Name Capitalism in Late Colonial India: Advertising and the Making of Modern Conjugality. The Indian Economic & Social History Review, 61 (4).
Upadhya, Carol and RoyChowdhury, Supriya (2024) Crafting new service workers: skill training, migration and employment in Bengaluru, India. Third World Quarterly, 45 (4). pp. 753-770.
Upadhya, Carol (2023) Caste and Capital. In: The Oxford Handbook of Caste. Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780198896715
Upadhya, Carol and Rao, Deeksha M (2023) Dispossession without displacement: Producing property through slum redevelopment in Bengaluru, India. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, 55 (2). pp. 428-444.
Gidwani, Vinay and Upadhya, Carol (2023) Articulation work: Value chains of land assembly and real estate development on a peri-urban frontier. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, 55 (2). pp. 407-427.
Upadhya, Carol and RoyChowdhury, Supriya (2022) Migration, Skilling, and Employment in Bengaluru’s New Service Economy. Economic and Political Weekly, 57 (4). pp. 40-46. ISSN 0012-9976
Upadhya, Carol and RoyChowdhury, Supriya (2021) Urban Migration, Skilling, and Employment in the New Service Economy (NIAS Policy Brief No. NIAS/SSc/UMP/U/PB/01/2021). Policy Brief. NIAS, Bangalore.
Upadhya, Carol and Rathod, SachinKumar (2021) Caste at the City’s Edge: Land Struggles in Peri-urban Bengaluru. South Asia Multidisciplinary Academy Journal, 26. pp. 1-28.
Upadhya, Carol (2021) Rural Real Estate: Empty Urbanisation and the Agrarian Land Transition. In: Neoliberalism, Urbanization and Aspirations in Contemporary India. Oxford University Press, New Delhi.
Upadhya, Carol and RoyChowdhury, Supriya (2020) The Urban Service Workforce Will Be the Next Casualty of the COVID-19 Lockdown. The Wire, 22 May 2020.
Upadhya, Carol (2020) Karnataka: Huge skill gap could hamper industry revival. Deccan Herald, 10 May 2020.
Upadhya, Carol (2020) Skill training has become a numbers game. Deccan Herald, 10 May 2020.
RoyChowdhury, Supriya and Upadhya, Carol (2020) India’s Changing Cityscapes: Work, Migration and Livelihoods (NIAS Research Report No. NIAS/SSc/UMS/U/RR/01/2020). Project Report. ISEC and NIAS.
Upadhya, Carol (2020) Assembling Amaravati: speculative accumulation in a new Indian city. Economy and Society, 49 (1). pp. 141-169.
Upadhya, Carol and Abhinandanan, TA and Pani, Narendar and Menon, Sangeetha and Haricharan, Smriti and Meera, BM and Kalyani, Hamsa (2019) Workshop on Academic Integrity. [Audio] (Unpublished)
Upadhya, Carol (2018) Capitalizing on the Future: Negotiating Planned Urbanization in South India. In: Urban Asias: Essays on Futurity Past and Present. JOVIS Verlag. ISBN 9783868594560
Upadhya, Carol (2018) Ghurye, Govind Sadashiv (1893-1983). In: The International Encyclopedia of Anthropology. JohnWiley & Sons, Ltd..
Goldman, Michael and Gidwani, Vinay and Upadhya, Carol (2017) Bangalore's 'Great Transformation' - The Problem. Seminar, 694. pp. 12-16.
Upadhya, Carol and Sinha, Anindya and Kapur, Malavika and Sarukkai, Sundar and Radhakrishna, Sindhu and Chakravarty, Shoibal (2017) NIAS Research Ethics Policy 2017. Documentation. NIAS. (Unpublished)
Upadhya, Carol (2017) Afterword: Middle Class Activism and Bangalore's Environmental Predicament. International Development Policy | Revue internationale de politique de développement, 8 (2).
Upadhya, Carol (2017) Amaravati and the New Andhra: Reterritorialization of a Region. Journal of South Asian Development, 12 (2). pp. 177-202.
Koskimaki, Leah and Upadhya, Carol (2017) Introduction: Reconsidering the Region in India-Mobilities, Actors and Development Politics. Journal of South Asian Development, 12 (2). pp. 89-111.
Upadhya, Carol (2016) Reengineering India: Work, capital, and class in an offshore economy. OUP, New Delhi. ISBN 9780199461486
Upadhya, Carol (2016) Engineering equality? Education and im/mobility in coastal Andhra Pradesh, India. Contemporary South Asia. ISSN 0958-4935
Upadhya, Carol (2016) Mario Rutten (1958-2015)- Obituaries. Economic and Political Weekly, 51 (5). p. 96. ISSN 0012-9976
Upadhya, Carol (2014) Engineering Mobility? The ‘IT Craze’, Transnational Migration and the Commercialisation of Education in Coastal Andhra, Provincial Globalisation (Working Paper No.7). Working Paper. Institute of Advanced Studies and Amsterdam Institute of Social Science Research, Bangalore.
Upadhya, Carol (2014) Book Review: India's middle class: New forms of urban leisure, consumption and prosperity by Christiane Brosius. New Delhi: Routledge, 2010. Contributions to Indian Sociology, 48 (1). pp. 148-151.
Upadhya, Carol (2014) Employment, exclusion and ‘merit’ in the Indian IT industry. In: The Problem of Caste: Essays from Economic and Political Weekly. Orient Blackswan, Hyderabad, pp. 141-151. ISBN 978-81-250-5501-3
Upadhya, Carol (2013) Mapping migration within and from India: Mobilities and networks. Migration Studies, 1 (2). pp. 247-252. ISSN 2049-5838
Upadhya, Carol (2013) Return of the ‘Global Indian’: Software professionals and the worlding of Bangalore. In: Return: Nationalizing transnational mobility in Asia. Duke University Press, Durham, pp. 141-161. ISBN 978-0-8223-5531-1
Upadhya, Carol (2013) Shrink-wrapped souls: Managing the self in India’s new economy. In: Enterprise culture in neoliberal India: Studies in youth, class, work and media. Routledge, London, pp. 93-108. ISBN 978-0415705417
Upadhya, Carol and Rutten, Mario (2012) Migration, transnational flows and development in India: A regional perspective. Economic and Political Weekly, XLVII (19). pp. 54-62. ISSN 0012-9976
Upadhya, Carol and Rutten, Mario (2012) Provincial Globalisation: Transnational Flows and Regional Development. Provincial Globalisation (Working Paper No.4). Working Paper. NIAS and AISSR, Bangalore.
Upadhya, Carol (2011) Book Review of Global ‘body shopping’: an Indian labor system in the information technology industry by Biao Xiang, Princeton: PUP, 2009. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute (N.S.), 17 (4). pp. 921-922. ISSN 1467-9655
Upadhya, Carol (2011) Colonial anthropology, law, and adivasi struggles: The case of Jharkhand. In: Doing sociology in India. Oxford University Press, New Delhi, pp. 266-289. ISBN 9780198070115
Upadhya, Carol (2011) Software and the 'New' middle class in the 'New India'. In: Elite and everyman: The cultural politics of the Indian middle class. Routledge, New Delhi, pp. 167-192. ISBN 978415677981
Upadhya, Carol (2010) Book Review of Employee identity in Indian call centres: The notion of professionalism Ernesto Noronha, Premilla D’Cruz, 2009. Response Books (Sage), New Delhi, 2009. IIMB Management Review, xx. pp. 1-2. ISSN 0970-3896
Upadhya, Carol (2010) Taking the high road? Labour in the Indian software outsourcing industry. In: Labour in Global Production Networks in India. Oxford University Press, New Delhi, pp. 300-320. ISBN 9780198064138
Upadhya, Carol (2010) Law, custom, and adivasi identity: Politics of land rights in Chotanagpur. In: Legal Grounds: Natural Resources, Identity, and the Law in Jharkhand. Oxford University Press, New Delhi, pp. 30-55. ISBN 9780198062066
Maringanti, Anant and Upadhya, Carol and Rutten, Mario (2010) Provincial globalisation: the impact of reverse transnational flows in India's regional towns. IIAS Newsletter, 55. pp. 16-17.
Upadhya, Carol (2009) Controlling offshore knowledge workers: Power and agency in India's software outsourcing industry. New Technology, Work and Employment, 24 (1). pp. 2-18.
Upadhya, Carol (2009) Imagining India: Software and the ideology of liberalisation. South African Review of Sociology, 40 (1). pp. 76-93. ISSN 2072-1978
Upadhya, Carol (2009) India’s ‘New Middle Class’ and the Globalising City: Software Professionals in Bangalore, India. In: The New Middle Classes: Globalizing Lifestyles, Consumerism and Environmental Concern. Springer, Netherlands, pp. 253-268. ISBN 978-1-4020-9938-0
Upadhya, Carol (2008) Ethnographies of the Global Information Economy: Research Strategies and Methods. Economic and Political Weekly, 43 (17). pp. 64-72.
Upadhya, Carol (2008) Rewriting the Code: Software Professionals and the Reconstitution of Indian Middle Class Identity. In: Patterns of middle class consumption in India and China. Sage, New Delhi, pp. 55-87. ISBN 978-0761936237
Upadhya, Carol (2008) Employment, exclusion and ‘merit’ in the Indian IT industry. In: India’s Development: Social and Economic Disparities. Manohar Publishers & Distributors, New Delhi, pp. 145-168. ISBN 9788173047893
Upadhya, Carol (2008) Management of Culture and Managing through Culture in the Indian Software Outsourcing Industry. In: In an Outpost of the Global Economy: Work and Workers in India's Information Technology Industry. Routledge, London, pp. 101-135. ISBN 978-0415456807
Upadhya, Carol (2008) Negotiating policy research, academic knowledge, and political movements: one researcher's experience. Review of Development and Change, 13 (1). pp. 11-28.
Upadhya, Carol and Vasavi, AR (2008) Outposts of the global information economy: Work and workers in India’s outsourcing industry. In: In an Outpost of the Global Economy: Work and Workers in India’s Information Technology Industry. Routledge, New Delhi, pp. 9-49. ISBN 9780415456807
Vasavi, AR and Pani, Narendar and Upadhya, Carol and Anitha, BK and Mukhopadhyay, Rahul and Udupa, Sahana and Routray, Sailen and Peddi, Sowjanya and Pascal, Leena (2008) Towards engaged social sciences(NIAS Report No. R1 - 08). Report. National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bangalore.
Upadhya, Carol (2007) Employment, Exclusion and 'Merit' in the Indian IT Industry. Economic and Political Weekly, 42 (20). pp. 1863-1868. ISSN 0012-9976
Upadhya, Carol (2007) The idea of Indian society: G.S.Ghurye and the making of Indian Sociology. In: Anthropology in the East: Funders of Indian sociology and anthropology. Permanent Black, pp. 194-255. ISBN 978-8178241906
Upadhya, Carol and Vasavi, AR (2006) Work, Culture and Sociality in the Indian Information Technology (IT) Industry: A Sociological Study. Project Report. National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bangalore.
Upadhya, Carol (2006) Gender issues in the Indian software industry. In: Gender in the Information Society; Emerging Issues. UNDP-APDIP, Bangkok, pp. 74-84. ISBN 813120632-7
Upadhya, Carol (2006) The Global Indian Software Labour Force: IT Professionals in Europe. (IDPAD Working Paper Series 2006, No. 1). Working Paper. NIAS and IDPAD, Bangalore.
Upadhya, Carol (2005) Community Rights in Land in Jharkhand. Economic and Political Weekly, 40 (41). pp. 4435-4442. ISSN 0012-9976
Upadhya, Carol (2005) Rights to Land in Jharkhand: Laws, Policies and Practices. Final Report for UNDP-CBPPI-PRADAN Study on Pro-Poor Policies and Laws in Jharkhand. Working Paper. UNSPECIFIED, Bangalore.
Upadhya, Carol (2004) A New Transnational Capitalist Class?: Capital Flows, Business Networks and Entrepreneurs in the Indian Software Industry. Economic and Political Weekly, 39 (48). pp. 5141-5151.
Upadhya, Carol (2002) The Hindu Nationalist Sociology of G S Ghurye. Sociological Bulletin, 51 (1). pp. 27-56. ISSN 0038-0229