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Vijayakrishnan, Sreedhar and Raghunathan, Ganesh and Kumar, Mavatur Ananda and Sinha, Anindya (2024) Elephants in a teacup: Ranging and Habitat-use of Asian elephants Elephas maximus in a Plantation Dominated Landscape in Southern Western Ghats, India. BioRxiv.
Vijayakrishnan, Sreedhar and Anand Kumar, Mavatur and Sinha, Anindya (2020) The Elephant in the Room: Methods, Challenges and Concerns in the Monitoring of Asian Elephant Populations. Gajah, 52. pp. 39-47.
Vijayakrishnan, Sreedhar (2019) An Elephantine Conundrum. Hornbill (April-June). pp. 38-45.
Krishnan, Vinod and Kumar, Mavatur Ananda and Raghunathan, Ganesh and Vijayakrishnan, Sreedhar (2019) Distribution and Habitat Use by Asian Elephants (Elephas maximus) in a Coffee-Dominated Landscape of Southern India. Tropical Conservation Science, 12. pp. 1-12.
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Vijayakrishnan, Sreedhar and Sinha, Anindya (2019) Human-Captive elephant relationships in Kerala: Historical perspectives and current scenarios. Gajah, 50. pp. 29-35.
Vijayakrishnan, Sreedhar (2016) Elephant in The Room - III. India Facts.
Vijayakrishnan, Sreedhar (2015) Elephant in the Room – II: Glimpses from the past. India Facts.
Vijayakrishnan, Sreedhar (2015) The Elephant in the Room – I. India Facts.
Vijayakrishnan, Sreedhar and Sinha, Anindya (2023) Nagadhyakshacaritha: Elephant–mahout relationships in two communities of southern India. In: Composing Worlds with Elephants: Interdisciplinary Dialogues. IRD Editions, Montpellier, France, pp. 198-213. ISBN 978-2-7099-2995-0
Sinha, Anindya and Vijayakrishnan, Sreedhar (2017) Primates in Urban Settings. In: The International Encyclopedia of Primatology. John Wiley and Sons Inc., pp. 1-8. ISBN 978-0-470-67337-9
Vijayakrishnan, Sreedhar (2021) Seeing the Elephant: Socioecology and Physiology of the Female Asian Elephant Elephas maximus in an Anthropogenic Landscape in Southern India. Doctoral thesis, NIAS.
Vijayakrishnan, Sreedhar (2020) Problem Elephant or Elephantine Problem. Round Glass Sustain, 12 March 2020.
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